Я ездила с родителями за границу. Там было очень красиво. Мы ходили в разные места. Особенно было очень красиво вечером. Когда фонари освещали путь. В парке на аттракционах горели огоньки, они были такие красивые и блестящие. Мне очень там понравилось. Я хочу поехать туда ещё раз. Перевод: I went with my parents abroad. It was very beautiful. We went to different places. Especially was very nice evening. When the lights illuminated the way. In the park on the rides lights burning, they were so pretty and shiny. I really liked it there. I want to go there again.
Pancakes or pancakes - a dish of grated potatoes on the basis with the addition of flour, eggs, onions. There are also pancakes zucchini, pumpkin pancakes. But the most common yet potato pancakes, potato pancakes. Today everyone knows and loves pancakes made from potatoes, this recipe was the most popular in the Belarusian cuisine. shingles need to prepare: Peeled potatoes grate, add pepper, salt and all thoroughly. Spoon impose weight on very hot fat and fry on both sides until crisp. Fry the onions and pour the finished shingle and put in the oven for 10 - 15 min. To the table Serve with sour cream or milk sauce
Мне очень там понравилось. Я хочу поехать туда ещё раз.
I went with my parents abroad. It was very beautiful. We went to different places. Especially was very nice evening. When the lights illuminated the way. In the park on the rides lights burning, they were so pretty and shiny. I really liked it there. I want to go there again.