ТEAM MANAGER You're the manager of a team. Look at the situations and make decisions. Then look at the key. 1 5 CONTRACT The captain of the team is very negative at the moment. la Change the captain. b That's OK. He's a good player. You've got the best trainer in the world. He wants to go to another team, but he's got a contract with your club. He must stay. He's got a contract. b He must go if he isn't happy. a 2 The owner of the club wants to buy a player. The player isn't very good, but he's the owner's friend Buy the player. You think that a referee made very bad decisions in a match. a Speak to journalists and players about the refe ee. b Don't speak to
No animal in the world is able to catch up with the cheetah at short distances. One experiment showed that this beast can accelerate to 84 km / h in 4 seconds, while the car "Ferrari" achieves a similar result in only 5 seconds. This is not the limit of its capabilities: the recorded record was 114 km / h!
Developing such an incredible speed, he can not compete for long distances: a cheetah - a sprinter. At maximum speed, the beast runs 6-8 m long, jumping for less than 0.5 seconds per jump. During the race, the frequency of his breathing increases to 150 times per minute. In parentheses I will say that, of course, you have to pay for such a gift - for such nudges do not pass without a trace, - there are times when a cheetah, having run at a speed of several hundred meters, simply lost consciousness and then came to himself for a long time. (Хех, я прям привязалась, что ли)
Белый медведь - хищное млекопитающее семейства медвежьих, близкий родственник бурого медведя. Крупнейший сухопутный хищник планеты и единственный, который активно выслеживает и охотится на человека, рассматривая его как равноценную добычу. один из самых крупных наземных представителей млекопитающих отряда хищных. Его длина достигает 3 м, масса до 1 т. Обычно самцы весят от 400-800 кг, длина тела 200—250 см, высота в холке до 130—150 см. Самки заметно мельче (200—300 кг). Самые мелкие медведи водятся на Шпицбергене, самые крупные — в Беринговом море. Белого медведя от других медведей отличают длинная шея и плоская голова. Кожа у него чёрная. Цвет шубы варьирует от белого до желтоватого; летом мех может желтеть из-за постоянного воздействия солнечного света. Шерсть белого медведя лишена пигментной окраски. The polar bear is a carnivorous mammal of the family bear, a close relative of the brown bear. The largest land predator of the planet and the only one that actively hunts and preys on human beings, seeing it as equivalent prey. one of the largest terrestrial mammalian species of Carnivora. Its length reaches 3 m, weight up to 1 ton Typically males weigh from 400 to 800 kg, body length of 200-250 cm, height at the withers 130-150 cm Females noticeably smaller (200-300 kg). The smallest bears are found on Spitsbergen, the largest — in the Bering sea. Polar bear from other bears is distinguished by its long neck and flat head. His skin is black. The color of fur varies from white to yellowish; in summer the fur may turn yellow due to constant exposure to sunlight. Wool polar bear is devoid of pigment color.
Developing such an incredible speed, he can not compete for long distances: a cheetah - a sprinter. At maximum speed, the beast runs 6-8 m long, jumping for less than 0.5 seconds per jump. During the race, the frequency of his breathing increases to 150 times per minute. In parentheses I will say that, of course, you have to pay for such a gift - for such nudges do not pass without a trace, - there are times when a cheetah, having run at a speed of several hundred meters, simply lost consciousness and then came to himself for a long time.
(Хех, я прям привязалась, что ли)