Before the 19th century, artists mainly made artwork for the wealthy people and the religious groups. They were controlled by the academy and painted in a way that mainstream society recognized. Many of their paintings depicted scenes of mythology and church. However in the 19th century, industrialization brought many new technologies to ordinary people, making the impossible possible. Many artists began to create artworks to explore the concept of symbolism. Many of their subjects were daily things such as ordinary people, normal places and the things they had direct experience on. They challenged the traditional concept that artists must depict realistic worlds. Instead, they used a wide range of colors, materials and techniques to…show more content…
Van Gogh depicted clouds and stars in whirly shape in order to direct the viewer´s eye around the painting. When standing in front the painting, one would spontaneously be attracted by those swirls and would follow one swirl to another.
Тут и перевод а внизу как читается Благодарю вас, сэр. Вот меню. Дик. Хотели бы вы пообедать? Я не думаю, что я очень голоден. Больные имеют вегетарианский салат с индийскими пряностями и копченой ветчиной. Я не люблю есть пряную пищу. Различные специи могут вызывать аллергию. B- А как насчет картофельного салата? A- Это здорово. Итак, один картофельный салат и спагетти для меня. B- Любой кетчуп? Ах, ты шутишь, конечно. Blagodaryu vas, ser. Vot menyu. Dik. Khoteli by vy poobedat'? YA ne dumayu, chto ya ochen' goloden. Bol'nyye imeyut vegetarianskiy salat s indiyskimi pryanostyami i kopchenoy vetchinoy. YA ne lyublyu yest' pryanuyu pishchu. Razlichnyye spetsii mogut vyzyvat' allergiyu. B- A kak naschet kartofel'nogo salata? A- Eto zdorovo. Itak, odin kartofel'nyy salat i spagetti dlya menya. B- Lyuboy ketchup? Akh, ty shutish', konechno.
Stress is a normal reaction of the body to new conditions. The reasons for the stress can be heat, cold, hunger, thirst, fatigue, adverse life circumstances and other conditions. Here are some typical stress through which all of us ever to pass: a trip in a crowded transport, quarrel, poor health. Because of the stress we become strained and nervous. Can be a headache. Also stress has a bad effect on the heart. In order to solve a promblem with a stress, I listen to a quiet music and try to relax. It is usually helps. However, stress is not always associated with the unpleasant experiences. Stress inalienable condition of life, it can be as an incentive for human development, as well as an obstacle, it all depends on our relations. and manage stress is quite our best.
Before the 19th century, artists mainly made artwork for the wealthy people and the religious groups. They were controlled by the academy and painted in a way that mainstream society recognized. Many of their paintings depicted scenes of mythology and church. However in the 19th century, industrialization brought many new technologies to ordinary people, making the impossible possible. Many artists began to create artworks to explore the concept of symbolism. Many of their subjects were daily things such as ordinary people, normal places and the things they had direct experience on. They challenged the traditional concept that artists must depict realistic worlds. Instead, they used a wide range of colors, materials and techniques to…show more content…
Van Gogh depicted clouds and stars in whirly shape in order to direct the viewer´s eye around the painting. When standing in front the painting, one would spontaneously be attracted by those swirls and would follow one swirl to another.