Ое число существительных He was in the bathroom cleaning his
unfamiliar voices from the veranda,
when he heard some
were wet and I gave him a pair of socks to change into.
A cup of hot tea and some biscuits soon made the boy feel warm.
We arrived at the lake very early. It was cold but in spite of that there were several
there. Dad pulled our fishing rods out of the rucksack and
in Michael's class were very
we joined the others,
That was probably true - most
competent computer users.
I felt puzzled and didn't know what to say. The two
There is dry grass and dry
very easily
on the ground. They start to burn
She was one of those rare girls who never screamed when she saw spiders,
and frogs. bols
"No, pink is either for
or for silly girls who like Barbie
dolls. I'm neither of those."
До мене приходить моя сестричка Віка. Вона молодша за мене, я дуже люблю з нею грати. Вона ходить до школи, але не в ту, в якій вчуся я. Ми граємо з нею, ділимося враженнями про школу, про оцінки, про шкільні товаришів і інших цікавлять нас предметах.
Я дуже люблю мою сестру і сумую за нею, якщо вона довго не приходить