in what sea is the island of capriWhere can you buy clothes in Capri city?Who built the ancient villas on Capri?Where can you get a good view of the island?
(But my parents were at the theatre) (But I was in the Crimea) (But my nephew is a schoolboy) (But his friend is an engineer) (But Jane will be a good wife for Tom) (But I was lazy) (But my friend was late) (But his sister is a doctor) (But he will be at 12) (But my brother is going to marry.)
His sister is a student. Her brothers is a worker. My grandfather is old. Our house is warm and light. Is your friend a doctor? Is his English good? What is its meaning? Their friends are not students. Its colour is unusual. Its pronunciation is difficult.
-His brother's wife works at the hospital. -This girl's name is Jane. -My friend's family as large. -This woman's husband is a worker. -My sons' room is warm and light. -The boys' book are on the desk. -The children's dog is funny.
On winter holiday на зимних каникулах I will sleep я буду спать I will meet with my friends and we will go skating or skiing or walking. я встречусь со своими друзьями и мы пойдём кататься на коньках или лыжах или просто гулять. Maybe we will go to the cinema. может быть мы сходим в кино. of course I will spend much time with my family. конечно я проведут много времени со своей семьей. we will go shopping, go to a cafe and we will talk, laugh and take photos. мы пойдём по магазинам, зайдем в кафе, мы будем болтать, смеяться и фотографироваться.
(But I was in the Crimea)
(But my nephew is a schoolboy)
(But his friend is an engineer)
(But Jane will be a good wife for Tom)
(But I was lazy)
(But my friend was late)
(But his sister is a doctor)
(But he will be at 12)
(But my brother is going to marry.)
His sister is a student.
Her brothers is a worker.
My grandfather is old.
Our house is warm and light.
Is your friend a doctor?
Is his English good?
What is its meaning?
Their friends are not students.
Its colour is unusual.
Its pronunciation is difficult.
-His brother's wife works at the hospital.
-This girl's name is Jane.
-My friend's family as large.
-This woman's husband is a worker.
-My sons' room is warm and light.
-The boys' book are on the desk.
-The children's dog is funny.