Present Simple и Present Continuous – это времена, которые выражают действие в настоящем. Несмотря на эту общую черту, у них есть свои особенности употребления. Для того чтобы разобраться, какое время использовать в каждом отдельном случае, необходимо подробнее остановиться на каждом из времен.
Present Simple – это простое настоящее время. Также его называют Present Indefinite – настоящее неопределенное. Как видно из названия, данное время употребляется для описания действий, происходящих в настоящем.
Во многих английских предложениях можно встретить такие слова, которые указывают на определенное время. Это так называемые «маркеры времени». На Present Simple могут указывать такие слова как:
- usually – обычно
- often - часто
- always - всегда
- seldom/rarely - редко
- hardly ever - почти никогда
- occasionally - время от времени
- every day/week - каждый день/ каждую неделю
- sometimes - иногда
- in the morning/in the evening - по утрам/ по вечерам
I usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock.
We often play basketball after classes.
He always comes to school at 9 o’clock.
She seldom goes for a walk with her friends.
They hardly ever do their homework on weekends.
I occasionally go to the cinema with my classmates.
I drink juice every day.
Sometimes they speak about politics.
I make my bed in the morning.
In a world of so many books and not enough life to read everything. Each of us have our favorite children's books, which we fondly remembered. When I was little, my mother often read me stories or some books that gave me a lot. The most interesting tale is a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen mainly or Pushkin. My favorite children's books and fairy tales is Ole, The Little Match Girl, Tiny, Little Longnose, The Snow Queen, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and a lot more interesting tales. When I read all these books and fairy tales begin to dream to live in these tales. When I was 4 years old my mother used to read to the Brothers Grimm fairy tale dreams or Russian folk tales for them to fall asleep easily and are easy to understand. In 7 years I have taught literary works fabulous format, such as children's stories of Pushkin, they instructive and interesting, most have a pronounced moral, as in the fable. The same Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia, the legendary book that will remain forever legendary. All of these books, I would advise you to read and read to their children and grandchildren. After all, this is the most instructive, interesting and generally the best skazki.S one hand books teach us a lot, right, carefree life, kindness, honesty, and so forth, but on the other side of fairy tales teach us but they give us the opportunity to believe in miracles