My little sister (to tell) is being told a tale right now.
Определимся, в каком времени и залоге должно стоять данное предложение
Шаг 1.
Есть ли в предложении слова, указывающие на определенное время?(выберите правильный ответ).
Да Нет Невозможно определить
Шаг 2.
В каком залоге должно стоять данное предложение? (выберите правильный ответ).
- Невозможно определить
- В страдательном
- В действительном
Шаг 3.
Раскроем скобки, поставив глагол в нужное время и залог. (выберите правильный ответ).
- is being told
-are being told
- is being telled
Упражнение №2. Перепишите предложение в PresentSimplePassive.
Kate usually spends her holidays in the country.
Вспомним, как образовывается Present Simple Passive
Шаг 1.
Какова общая схема образования страдательного залога? (выберите правильный ответ).
- tohave + ParticipleII
- to be + Participle I
- to be + Participle II
Шаг 2.
Какие формы глагола to be используются в Present Simple Passive? (выберитеправильный ответ).
-Shall be/will be
- Was/were
- Am/is/are
Шаг 3.
Происходит ли что-то с ParticipleII в Present Simple Passive?(выберите правильный ответ).
- Невозможно определить
- Нет
- Да
Шаг 4.
Перепишем предложение.(Выберите правильный вариант в пассивном залоге)
-Kate’s holidays is usually spent.
- Kate’s holidays are usually spended.
- Kate’s holidays are usually spent.
Упражнение №3.Перепишитепредложениев the Present Continuous Passive.
Our gardener is clipping the trees now.
Вспомним, как образовывается Present Continuous Passive
Шаг 1.
Какова общая схема образования страдательного залога?(выберите правильный ответ).
- to be + Participle II
- to have + Participle II
- To be + Participle I
Шаг 2.
Какие формы глагола to be используются в Present Continuous Passive?
- Am, is, are + being
- Was/were + being
- Willbe + being
Шаг 3.
Перепишем предложение.(Выберите правильный вариант в пассивном залоге)
- The trees are being clipped
- The trees are being cliped.
- The trees am being clipped.
Упражнение №5. Выберите правильный вариант.
1. My brother’s clothes usuallyby his girlfriend.
- are ironing
- are ironed
- iron
- are being ironed
2. Our tests by the teacher.
- checked
- are being checked
- is being checked
- are checking
3. Umbrellas when it rains.
- are being used
- are using
- are used
- used
4. Breakfast by my mother just now.
- is cooked
- is being cooked
- cooks
- is cooking
5. This street with flowers several times a year.
- decorates
- is decorating
- is being decorated
- is decorated
I recently read JK Rowling's book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The main character of this story is the wizard Harry Potter. In this part, he and Voldemort the main villain will fight for the last time. This time, no one will help him and he must cope with it himself. This time it will be much more serious. It will be a deadly battle between good and evil. During the actions of the book, many deaths will occur and this is the most terrible.I liked Harry because despite all the difficulties he never gave up and went only forward
1. Last night I listened to some CDs.
2. Do you often see Jane?
3. I usually drink tea for breakfast.
4. She doesn't like milk.
5. Peter and Ann went to Turkey last summer.
6. How much do you pay for water?
7. Does your mum like horror films?
8. I don't ride a bicycle.
9. My aunt will go to Canada next summer.
10. Kate won't come tomorrow.