1) Modem - d (communications device)
2) Network interface card - d (communications device)
3) Keyboard - a (input device)
4) Printer - b (output device)
5) Digital Video Disc - c (storage device)
6) Monitor - b (output device)
7) Devices such as a keyboard and a mouse fall in this category - a (input)
8) Transforming raw data into useful information - c (processing)
9) UNIX - e (operating system)
10) A printer is an example of this device - b (output)
11) Stores data and programs - d (memory)
What a nice son I've got! - Has she got a son or a daUghter?
His name is Bunny. - What is his name?
He is grey. - What colour is he?
He is littlie. - He is little, isn't he?
He is two. - How old is he?
He likes sports. - What does he like?
He can play volleyball and basketball. - Can he play volleyball and basketball?
He can play football very well, too. - Can he play fottball or tennis very well?
He likes to play football with his friends. - With whom does he like to play football?
He likes to run and jump, too. - What else does he like to do?
He is a nice little funny fellow. - He is a nice little funny fellow, isn't he?
1. How did the hamburger get its name?
The “hamburger” got its name from the German town of Hamburg, which was famous for its steak. German immigrants to the United States introduced the “hamburger steak”.
2. Why do people go to McDonald’s?
The main reason is because McDonald’s sells hamburgers, and it is one of the world’s most famous fast food restaurants. Many people admit that "tasty" food is sold there.
3. What makes American fast food so popular?
According to many fast food fans, fast food restaurants are "clean, less expensive than other restaurants", and they are "time-saving".
4. Why do older people criticize this sort of food?
Older people criticize this sort of food because lots of young people in the USA are overweight. Parents blame these high-calorie foods that their children eat in large quantities.
5. Do you think that fast food leads to overweighting?
In my opinion, being overweight is not caused by eating fast food.
Sedentary lifestyle is the main problem here. Secondly, poor eating habits can also lead to serious health problems.