( 1 - d ) His aunt - his mother’s sister .
( 2 - e ) Mike’s uncle - his mother’s brother .
( 3 - a) Janna’s cousin - her uncle’s child .
( 4 - h ) My parents - my mom and dad .
( 5 - f ) Steve and Lisa’s twins - their children of the same age .
( 6 - b ) Nina’s grandparents - her grandpa and grandma .
( 7- c ) Jake’s cousin’s mother - his uncle’s wife .
( 8 - g ) My uncle’s children - my cousins .
1. Его тетя + ( d )сестра его матери
2. Дядя Майк + ( е ) брат его матери
3. Двоюродный брат Жанны + (а). ребенок ее дяди
4. мои родители + (h). мои мама и папа
5. Близнецы Стива и Лизы + (f) их дети одного возраста
6. Бабушка и дедушка Нины + (б). ее дедушка и бабушка
7. Мать двоюродного брата Джейка + (с.) жена его дяди
8. дети моего дяди + (g). мои двоюродные братья
The photo was taken inside a room, It shows us that a girl is writing something, probably tasks as the action in this picture is taking place in the school.
She looks like she is about 10 years old. Her hair is blonde. She is wearing a T-shirt, but others parts of clothing are hiding under the desk. She isn't posting the photo, it did someone other.
I like this photo because the atmospher reminds me of the classmates with which I'm studying in the school it also makes me think of not only the classmates, it's reminding me of the lesson physical Culture which I don't like.
good: experience, fun, meeting new people, mind broadening
bad: can be dangerous, can be expensive