The zoo director visits the animals every Sunday afternoon at four o'clock He visits the animals this Sunday. The animals are not having fun. The elephant is not washing the tiger. The gazelles are not roller- skating.
The day will be especially good for those who are engaged in some kind of large-scale, complex and important projects. Are you sure he is right, do not spend time on doubts and experiences, in time to make the right decision - and for many become an example to follow. Be careful in dealing with the management of: head, inspired by your progress, willingly gives new orders, no regard for your time.Meanwhile overtime today desirable: firstly close need your attention, secondly, fatigue may lead to a deterioration in health.На русском: День будет особенно удачным для тех, кто занят какими-то масштабными, сложными и важными проектами. Вы уверены в своей правоте, не тратите времени на сомнения и переживания, вовремя принимаете верные решения – и для многих становитесь примером для подражания. Будьте внимательны в общении с руководством: начальник, вдохновленный вашими успехами, охотно дает новые поручения, ничуть не считаясь с вашим временем.Между тем работать сверхурочно сегодня нежелательно: во-первых, близкие нуждаются в вашем внимании, во-вторых, переутомление может привести к ухудшению самочувствия. На английском:
Once there was a princess. She was very intelligent and beautiful, but one day an evil sorceress has bewitched her into a flower. Her father, the king found out about it and put in a high tower behind bars wicked witch, and his daughter, in the guise of a flower placed on the roof of his castle that she would soak up the sun and become more beautiful. But then the next morning, the flower has grown to such proportions that broke the roof and hooked back behind the castle walls. Thus, this flower has created a sort of shield around the castle.This shield was made entirely from the leaves and vines. It looks very nice and it was good to protect the kingdom from evil spells
Директор зоопарка посещает животных
каждое воскресенье днем в четыре часа
В это воскресенье он навещает животных.
Животные не веселятся.
Слон не моет
тигр. Газели не роллер-
катание на коньках.