С АНГЛИСКИМ Task 1 Fill in: construction, cure, assassinated, destination, support, exploded, runs out.
1 My passport ………….. next month. I must get it renewed.
2 At last, we reached our …………….. .
3 I don't …………. his ideas.
4 He …………. with anger.
5 Tom's in the …………. business.
6 Antibiotics are a ………. for infection.
7 Abraham Lincoln was …………. in 1865.
Task 2 Phrasal verbs. Complete the sentences with the right preposition: around, for, out (2).
8 We can just hang …….. and have a good time.
9 I can't quite make ……… what she is trying to say.
10 He rose from his seat and made …….. the door.
11 My mother doesn't want me hanging ………. the park alone.
1. Moscow rose from its ashes more beautiful than before. (Past Simple Active, to rise) - Москва восстала из пепла красивее, чем раньше.
2. A few hours later the Prince and his men reached a small settlement on the bank of the Moskva River. (Past Simple Active, to reach) - Через несколько часов князь и его люди достигли небольшого поселения на берегу Москвы-реки.
3. There are many places of interest in Moscow. (Present Simple Active, to be) - В Москве много достопримечательностей.