I knew it was going to be a strange night... What happened during this night. It was on this night that my dog disappeared. At first I was looking for her around the house, and then when I went out into the street I was frightened by the horror of what was happening on the street... Houses were burning on the street, people were running in fear... In fear I began to pack my things and run to my car. When I started the car I heard my dog howl. I immediately took the dog into the car and started to drive out of town. I will remember this night for the rest of my life...
Dear Nick,
Thank you for your letter, you asked about my favourite travelling. First of all I really like to travel, because it's so awesome! My favourite way for travelling is plane or train, because it's very fast and convinient. My favourite country's for travelling is Turkish, Egypt and some hystorical country's. I love turkish and egypt, because in the country's very funny in the hotels, there are a lot of animators, waterbath etc. Also, I said, that I like Hysterically country's, because they have a lot of interesting things and amazing deed in the culture.
Sorry, my mum is calling me, I need to go.
Best wishes,
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