Task 1. Read the text and decide if the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) and DOESN’T SAY (DS)
Kid’s Corner
Kid’s stories teach us important lessons.
Read these books and learn to live better!
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Seuss
A character named Sam tries to get another character to eat green food. Sam asks if he would eat it in a boat or a house, or with a goat or a mouse! The other character doesn’t want to eat the strange food, but he eventually agrees to do it if Sam leaves him alone. After he tries the food, he decides he likes it. The story tells kids that you can’t know you don’t like something until you try it.
1. In the first story, the character doesn’t want to eat the food because it is big.
1) English is spoken all over the world (by people).
In this sentence, the subject "people" is changed to the object "English" and the verb "speak" is changed to the passive form "is spoken."
2) My dog will be washed next week (by me).
In this sentence, the subject "I" is changed to the object "my dog" and the verb "wash" is changed to the passive form "will be washed."
3) The rules must be followed (by people).
In this sentence, the subject "people" is changed to the object "the rules" and the verb "must follow" is changed to the passive form "must be followed."
4) By whom was America discovered?
In this sentence, the subject "who" is changed to the object "America" and the verb "discovered" is changed to the passive form "was discovered."
5) Many questions are always asked to Pete by the teacher.
In this sentence, the subject "the teacher" is changed to the object "many questions" and the verb "asks" is changed to the passive form "are asked."
TASK 2 Reported speech:
1) The teacher told the students that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
In reported speech, the verb "said" is changed to "told." The words are also rearranged to form a complete sentence.
2) Nick told us that Jack and Karen had bought a house in the countryside.
In reported speech, the verb "said" is changed to "told." The words are also rearranged to form a complete sentence. Additionally, the present perfect tense "have bought" is changed to the past perfect tense "had bought."
3) Ryan said that Dad was mowing the lawn while he was cleaning the car.
In reported speech, the verb "said" remains the same. The words are rearranged to form a complete sentence. Additionally, the pronoun "I" is changed to "he" to refer to Ryan.
4) She asked her friend if he liked her new clothes.
In reported speech, the verb "asked" remains the same. The words are rearranged to form a complete sentence. The question "Do you like" is changed to "if he liked."
5) Mike asked who his favorite singer was.
In reported speech, the verb "asked" remains the same. The words are rearranged to form a complete sentence. The question "Who is your favorite singer?" is changed to "who his favorite singer was."
6) Tom asked her when she would return.
In reported speech, the verb "asked" remains the same. The words are rearranged to form a complete sentence. The question "When will you return?" is changed to "when she would return."
7) Barbara asked him where he had been.
In reported speech, the verb "asked" remains the same. The words are rearranged to form a complete sentence. The question "Where were you?" is changed to "where he had been."
8) She proposed going shopping.
In reported speech, the verb "said" is changed to "proposed." The sentence remains the same.
9) He pleaded with Mary not to go.
In reported speech, the verb "said" is changed to "pleaded with." The sentence remains the same.
10) Mother told her daughter to phone her if there was an emergency.
In reported speech, the verb "said" is changed to "told." The sentence remains the same, except for the change of tense from "is" to "was."