5 Portfolio: Write a short email to friend about what you and your family are your doing at home today (50-60 words). You can use the email in Ex. 2 as a model.
Yesterday I woke up. As usual I brushed my teeth and had a shower. Then I ate cereal and had a tea with candy. I watched a little bit of TV and went to school. I was not getting on time so I went by bus. I had five long lessons , so when the lessons ended I decided to go by bus again because I was tired , plus had a lot of homework to do. I got home fast , but I didn’t start to do my homework right away. First I ate then watch TV , helped mom with house and went to the store for milk. After all that I did homework and it was night time so I decide to go to sleep. Before that I put my alarm clock and had a cup of water. I guess that’s it.
Sally wasn’t watching TV at 7 pm last night. — Салли не смотрела телевизор вчера в 7 вечера. Mike wasn’t wearing his uniform at work yesterday. – Майк не носил вчера униформу на работе. It wasn’t raining while we were playing tennis this morning. – Дождя не было, пока мы этим утром играли в теннис. They weren’t having a good time at the party and decided to go home. – Им не было весело на вечеринке, и они решили поехать домой. The children were not laughing at the joker. – Дети не смеялись над шутками. Sorry, I wasn't listening. Can you say it again please? – Извини, я не слушала. Можешь повторить? We weren't sleeping when the earthquake began. – Мы не спали, когда началось землетрясение. The children weren't sleeping though they had been told to. – Дети не спали, хотя им было приказано. I wasn’t listening to the teacher and got a bad mark. – Я не слушала учителя и получила плохую отметку. Samuel wasn't sailing fast and was able to notice the drowning man. – Сэмьюэль плыл не быстро, поэтому смог заметить утопающего.