1. Do you have a big family? - Yes, I do./ No, I don't. (Выбирайте ответ, который вам нужен) У тебя большая семья? - Да/Нет 2. Do you have a sister or a brother? - Yes, I have a sister./Yes, I have a brother./ No,I don't have a sister or a brother. У тебя есть брат или сестра? - Да, у меня есть сестра./Да, у меня есть брат./ Нет, у меня нет ни сестры, ни брата. 3. Do you have friends at school? - Yes, I do./ No, I don't. У тебя есть друзья в школе? - Да/Нет 4. Do you like to read books? - Yes, I do / No, I don't. Ты любишь читать книги? - Да/Нет 5. Do you like to sing songs? - Yes, I do / No, I don't. Ты любишь петь песни? - Да/Нет 6. Do you like to dance? - Yes, I do / No, I don't. Ты любишь танцевать? - Да/Нет 7. Do you ride a bike? - Yes, I do / No, I don't. Ты катаешься на велосипеде? - Да/Нет 8. Do you play tennis? - Yes, I do / No, I don't. Ты играешь в теннис? - Да/Нет 9. Do you play football? - Yes, I do / No, I don't. Ты играешь в футбол? - Да/Нет 10. Do you play video games? - Yes, I do / No, I don't. Ты играешь в видео-игры? - Да/Нет 11. Do you have a pet? - Yes, I do./ No, I don't. У тебя есть домашний питомец? - Да/Нет
The Heathrow is famous for the biggest airport in England
The Stonehenge is famous for a group of huge stones of pre-historic times
The Lake District is famous for its lakes and beautiful scenery
The Cambridge and Oxford is famous for its 12th century universities
The Greenwich is famous for Greenwich Observatory, the zero meridian of longitude passes through it
Liverpool is famous for the fact that it is the home town of Beatles
The Hadrian’s Wall is famous for the fact that it was built by Romans
The Stratford-upon-Avon is famous for the fact that it is Shakespeare’s place of birth
The Land’s End is famous for the fact it is the most westerly [‘west(ə)lɪ] point in the country