Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 3 Reading
Task. Read the text carefully and answer the questions.
Have you ever been to a hurricane? Hurricanes are serious weather storms. They can do a lot of damage. But what is a hurricane? Another name for a hurricane is a tropical cyclone. A hurricane consists of thunderstorms, torrential rains, and waves with winds up to 75 mph or higher. A hurricane is a tropical storm that starts out in the ocean and gathers speed and strength as it travels.
When the winds inside these storms reach 39 mph, they are given names. An international committee developed the list of names. Hurricanes alternate back and forth between male and female names. Giving the hurricanes names makes it easier for meteorologists to identify and track certain storms. This makes it easier to announce hurricane warnings, as well.
The best place to be during a hurricane is indoors and away from windows and doors. If the hurricane is very bad, you will probably be asked to evacuate and move to safer ground. It is important to keep a bag ready that contains fresh water, long-lasting food, first aid kit, flashlight, rain gear, and other items that would be useful if you had to leave your home for a few days.
Part 1. Choose the correct answer.
1. According to the author how fast does a tropical storm need to be moving in order to receive a name?
A) 25 mph
B) Over 39 mph
C) 100 mph
D) Over 76 mph
2. Where does the author write this informationto the question above?
A) Second paragraph
B) Third paragraph
C) First paragraph
D) None of the above
Part 2. Find some inconsistences in the statements. Mark these sentences Yes, No, Not Given.
3. Fishermen all over the world know when hurricanes start.
4. Hurricanes usually start in the steppe.
5. The best place to hide from hurricane is indoors.
6. Humans’ names are not given to the hurricanes.
ответ: (Какой твой праздник номер один? Почему тебе он нравиться?) My number one holiday is a New Year. I like it because my whole family is getting together. (Мой праздник номер один это Новый Год. Я люблю его потому что вся моя семья собирается вместе.
(Как ты обычно отмечаешь Пасху?) I usually go with my family to the church. Then we sit down on one table and celebrate Easter. ( Я обычно иду в церковь со своей семьёй. Потом мы садимся за один стол и празднуем Пасху.)
(Что ты и твоя семья делали на праздник Пасхи?)
I woke up early and went to the church with my parents. It was sunny day and l saw many people with Easter Buns. Then we ate tasty buns at home and enjoyed that day. (Я проснулся(лась) рано и пошёл в церковь со своими родителями. Это был солнечный день и я видел много людей с пасхальными булочками. Потом мы ели пасхальные булочки дома и наслаждались тем днём)