London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It's one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than million people. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange. Westminster is the most important part of the capital. It's the administrative centre. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. It's a very beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. Big Ben is really the bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey. It's a very beautiful church built over 900 years ago. The tombs of many great statesmen, scientists and writers are there.
ответ:My favourite superhero is Thor, a powerful god of Thunder, Odin's son. He is also a member of the Avengers.
Thor is very strong and he has the ability to travel through time and command thunder and lightning. He’s immortal. We know that he is 1500 years old. Thor has superhuman speed, agility, and reflexes. He can deflect bullets with his enchanted hammer Mjolnir. This hammer also makes him able to fly.
I like Thor because he always cares about his family, friends, and other people. Besides, he has a great sense of humour, he can laugh at himself.
Мой любимый супергерой - Тор, могущественный бог грома, сын Одина. Он также является членом команды Мстителей.
Тор очень силен, он обладает путешествовать во времени и повелевать громом и молниями. Он бессмертен. Мы знаем, что ему 1500 лет. Тор обладает сверхчеловеческой скоростью, ловкостью и рефлексами. Он может отражать пули своим волшебным молотом Мьёльниром. Этот молот также позволяет ему летать.
Мне нравится Тор, потому что он всегда заботится о своей семье, друзьях и других людях. К тому же у него отличное чувство юмора, он умеет смеяться над собой.
I like interesting and funny movies. A film is a personal work of cinema. Technologically, a film is a separate work of cinematography, a set of moving images (fragments) related to a single plot. I last read a book by Harry Potter. The main characters are an orphaned boy Harry, Hermione and Ron, students at the Hogwarts School of Magic. They met on the train to the magic school. At Hogwarts, they learn magic. I really liked this book. Very strong. I would recommend young readers to read this book.