The doctor kirilova dying of diphtheria only son. the same evening it comes to his neighbour, ubogin, and begs to save the woman suddenly suffered a heart attack. the doctor is not able to go to patient, he by all means refuses. but ubogin, after much persuasion, still carries the doctor to himself. there, it appears that no heart attack was not his wife played a disease that no interference to run away from home with her lover. ubogin struck by grief and resentment, he appealed for support and sympathy to present to the doctor. the doctor, in turn, deeply offended disdain for his own grief. flares up the quarrel. neighbours parted sworn enemies.
I have very good friends . They love me , appreciate and respect . They always help me in difficult times. Every evening after school I walk with my friends. I tell them their grievances secrets . And I think they 've never betray . I internstno them walk. We have a lot in common. Friends share their interests with me. They are very loyal . I trust them and they trust me . And I need them and is willing to support them at any time . У меня очень хорошие друзей. Они меня любят, ценят и уважают. Они всегда могут мне в трудную минуту. Каждый вечер после уроков я гуляю со своими друзьями. Я рассказываю им свои обиды, секреты. И я думаю они меня никогда не предадут. Мне очень интернстно с ними гулять. У нас очень много общего. Друзья делятся своими интересами вместе со мной. Они очень преданные. Я им доверяю также как они доверяют мне. А также я в них нуждаюсь и готов поддержать их в любой момент.
1. bus station
2. library
3. cathedral
4. castle