My beloved grandmother's name is Nina Pavlovna. She's my mother's mother My grandmother is sixty-five years old, so she retired. In the past, my grandmother worked for many years as an accountant in factories. She's very smart, good at math. Sometimes she even helps me solve problems.
My grandmother is medium height, thin. Her hair is gray, but she wears them in gray color. So my grandmother can be called a blonde! Grandma wears a Bob haircut.
My grandmother has blue eyes. She wears glasses because she can't see. At work, my grandmother had to sit a lot over the numbers, and she spoiled her eyesight.
Grandmother lives in an apartment, together with her grandfather, who is two years older than her. My grandfather also does not work, but she is constantly making something and working in the country. His grandmother helps him with this. She is very good at taking care of plants, planting them and watering.
And at home my grandmother a lot of pots with different colors, including exotic. She takes care of them all. The best gift for grandma is something for gardening. For example, a flower in a beautiful pot, watering, frog-decoration or any seeds.
Even my grandmother's house lives the Siberian cat Bonya. She brings him up and teaches him good manners.
I like to visit my grandmother. I also love her very much, and my grandfather too!
1.Здоровый образ жизни/Healthy lifestyle 2.Много людей в настоящее время пытаются изменить свой образ жизни. Они говорят, что они предпочли бы иметь здоровый образ жизни, что означает отсутствие вредных привычек, много фруктов и овощей в вашем холодильник, достаточный сон и по крайней мере некоторые физические упражнения. Вы не можете согласиться. Плохие привычки влияют на нашу жизнь. Курение, употребление алкоголя, принимать наркотики являются худшими. Общеизвестно, что они могут сократить нашу жизнь резко.
My beloved grandmother's name is Nina Pavlovna. She's my mother's mother My grandmother is sixty-five years old, so she retired. In the past, my grandmother worked for many years as an accountant in factories. She's very smart, good at math. Sometimes she even helps me solve problems.
My grandmother is medium height, thin. Her hair is gray, but she wears them in gray color. So my grandmother can be called a blonde! Grandma wears a Bob haircut.
My grandmother has blue eyes. She wears glasses because she can't see. At work, my grandmother had to sit a lot over the numbers, and she spoiled her eyesight.
Grandmother lives in an apartment, together with her grandfather, who is two years older than her. My grandfather also does not work, but she is constantly making something and working in the country. His grandmother helps him with this. She is very good at taking care of plants, planting them and watering.
And at home my grandmother a lot of pots with different colors, including exotic. She takes care of them all. The best gift for grandma is something for gardening. For example, a flower in a beautiful pot, watering, frog-decoration or any seeds.
Even my grandmother's house lives the Siberian cat Bonya. She brings him up and teaches him good manners.
I like to visit my grandmother. I also love her very much, and my grandfather too!