-Какое место хочет посетить Лиза?
-О чем думаешь ,Лиза?
-Ох , Пэм. Я не тут. Я думаю о своем будущем путешествий .
-Куда, моя дорогая?
-Ты не поверишь, но я полечу в Сидней.
-Великолепно! Ты посетишь Сиднейский оперный театр?
-Безусловно, Я мечтаю это сделать.
-Я уверена тебе понравится твоя поездка потому что город очень красивый.
-Ты права. Там много высоких небоскрёбов.
-Люди называют Сидней "Тизий Париж"
-Будешь ли ты там фотографироваться?
-Уверенна, особенно фото океана. -Большинство граждан проводят свое время там.
-Я мечтаю поехать туда как-нибудь.
The main problem of the novel is finding the way out of the city. The founders of the city created a map and put it in the box timed to open 200 years later. The box was passed from one mayor to another. But one day it was stolen. And one evening it opened by itself with a quiet click. But no one knew where the box was. The electric generator kept switching off and there was a risk that the city wouldn't have light anymore. Lina and Doon found the box and tried to do what their fathers couldn't. But leaving the city was strictly prohibited. They were being chased by the police and huge rats.
They found the way Lina's father tried to go but died. Risking everything, desperate Lina and Doon were trying to find the way out.
The second problem is the mayor's greed. Not paying attention to anyone, he locked himself in his room full of food and water that he was trying to hide from the citizens.
But he paid for his greed when a rat ate him in his room.
My suggestions: In my opinion, Lina and Doon should have taken Doon's father with them because he was a great inventor and could help them not only during the escape but also after it .
After all, Lina and Doon achieved freedom and wrote a letter with the instructions on how to get out of the city and threw it into the little hole.
The letter got into Clery's hands who told everyone about it. Sooner everyone started to leave the city. It was the beginning of their new lives.