1 Huck/Jim/continue/down/river/'King'/'Duke'. 2 One day,/man/tell/them/about rich man/his
town/ who/die/day before. 'King'/ask/lot/
3 They/arrive/town, and/'King'/say/he/be/
Harvey Wilks. 'Duke' /pretend/be/deaf/dumb.
4 Mary Jane/give/'King'/letter/Peter Wilks, saying
where/his gold/ be hidden. They/find/$6,000/
5 Dr Robinson/warn/Mary Jane/not/trust/them, but
she/ask/'King'/look after/all their money.
6 Huck/watch/them/hide/gold/under/mattress.
He/take/gold and/hide/it/Peter Wilks"/coffin.
[] Join the sentences. Which relative clauses are and which are non-defining?
1 Alfred Hitchcock was a film director, who made over fifty films. non-defining
2 Mark, whose father is shooting the advertisement, phoned me today. non-defining
3 That is a shop where they sell autographed memorabilia. defining
4 I met a girl last night, whose mother is a well-known actress. non-defining
5 My mum gave me her wedding dress, which belonged to her mother. non-defining
6 Emily, whose mum is a singer, invited me to a private concert. non-defining
7 Brad Pitt, who starred in Ocean's Eleven, is a philanthropist. non-defining
8 That's the restaurant where all the dishes are named after actors. defining