1)Have you bought a car yet?2)I have never been to the USA.3)I have known my friend since childhood.4)I have been in to America.5)I have gone to Armenia.
I like autumn very much.The autumn months are: September, October, November.Children and students begin their studying on the first of September.Autumn is the golden season, when everything becomes ripe and the woods are red and yellow.Many of the fields are bare already, and the tractors are at work.They are ploughing the fields, they are preparing them for the spring.Some of the fields are green with winter wheat or rye.October is the best month for planting trees.People also prepare for winter.Summer is over.We like to go for a walk to the forest in September and pick up mushrooms.It is a season when the trees are fantastic — yellow, red, green and brown.The trees are loosing their leaves.Now the ground is like a carpet of many colours.It gets dark earlier and often heavy clouds cover the sky bringing rain.Birds don’t sing their songs.They begin to leave for warm countries.November is the month of fog, rain and snow.Animals put on their winter coats.Autumn is a very beautiful season, that’s why I like it.Я дуже люблю осінь.Осінні місяці — це вересень, жовтень, листопад.Школярі і студенти починають навчатися першого вересня.Осінь — золотий час, коли усе поспіває і ліси стають червоні та жовті.Багато де лани вже прибрані, і там працюють трактори.Вони орють лани, готують їх до весни.Деякі лани зелені від озимої пшениці чи жита.Жовтень — кращий місяць для посадки дерев.Люди теж готуються до зими.Літо закінчилося.Ми любимо ходити на прогулянки в ліс у вересні і збирати гриби.Це пора, коли дерева чудові — жовті, червоні, зелені і коричневі.Листя опадає з дерев.Земля схожа на різнобарвний килим.Сутеніє раніше і часто важкі хмари закривають небо і починається дощ.Птахи перестають співати.Вони збираються відлітати в теплі країни.Листопад — місяць туману, дощу і снігу.Тварини «надягають свої зимові шубки».Осінь — це дуже красива пора року, тому я люблю її.
1.My parents make me to take out the rubbish in the evening. I think because my father is usually tired after his work . My mother is usually busy with her work about the house . 2.My parents make me to do my homework properly every day . I think because my father wants me to become a lawyer . And my mother wants me to become a decent man . 3.My parents make me to do my bed myself . I think it is because we have no a house worker. And my parents want me to become more independent person . 4.My parents make me to go in for sport .I think it is because my father was a good wrestler in his youth .And my mother was a good basketball player, She was the captain of school team .
1.My parents don't make me to work . I think it is because I am just 13 years old . And my mother and father work themselves. 2.My parents don't make me to wear the clothes they want .I can wear what I want and choose by myself. I think it is because my clothes are not so bright and vulgar. 3.My parents don't make me to get up early in the morning. I think it is because I usually study hard and must have some rest on the weekends. 4.My parents don't make to cook .I think it is because my mother doesn't want to be poisoned and my father likes only what my mother cooks .