1) Thirteen point twenty-four minus eleven is equal to two point twenty-four Elev thousand plus two thousand three hundred and fifty-six is equal to thirteen thousand three hundred fifty-six Fifteen point three multiply seven is equal to one hundred and seve point one. Nineteen point eighteen divided by nine is equal to two point thirteen Five and a half plus six is equal to eleven and a half Three fourth plus two third is equal to one and five twelfth
2) Two thousand and five Eighteen seventy six Twenty nineth of December nineteen ninety eight Ivan's birthday is on the thirteenth of August
1.“Alice in Wonderland” was written by Lewis Carroll. 2.The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell. 3.The first car was made in Germany, Porsche . 4.The summer time was first introduced in England. 5.Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming. 6.“Gulliver’s Travels ” were written by Jonathan Swift. 7.The Tower of London was built in the 11th century . 8.This dictionary was published by Macmillan. 9.The first metro line was built in London. 10.“The Canterbury Tales” were written by Jeffrey Chaucer . 11.The Eiffel Tower was built in Paris in 1889. 12.The English language is spoken all over the world. 13.The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. 14.“The Lord Of The Rings” was written by Tolkien n. 15.This grammar book was written by Murphy.
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