If you cross international date line, the time changes.
If it rains, the sky is cloudy.
If wood doesn't burn, there is no air.
If there is no rain, grass doesn't grow.
If the water freezes, there is very cold.
If babies are hungry, they cry.
If iron rusts, it gets wet.
My favorite subject is English. I love this subject because I love learning and speaking in English.
2. Yes, I do. But sometimes I don’t wear a uniform because it’s uncomfortable.
3. I believe that a person should be purposeful and hardworking to always get good grades.
4. Sometimes I do not understand some subjects, but I try to learn them.
5. Yes, I do. I like to spend time with my classmates because they are very funny and kind people.
6. I like to play basketball. It is interesting and active in sports here.
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