Перевести текст с на . переводчик переводит ,но коряво,нужен более гармоничный текст. the renaissance when the renaissance began in the 14th century, art began to take on a different level of expression as time passed by. the 16th century marked a period where the renaissance was believed to have reached its peak in renaissance art. this period was known as the high renaissance and lasted from 1500 to 1527. the period involved a shift in artistic style and objectives as well as a shift to rome and the papal court. the church continued to be the greatest patron of the arts, where they had reached the peak of its influence in rome. famous artists working for the church during the time started painting works of art that contained similar characteristics of the early renaissance, only much more improved. one of the main characteristics of paintings was the construction of ideal harmony and balance. the artists that became famously known in the high renaissance had worked on their advancements in the artistic styles and techniques from the earlier renaissance. by looking back at how they achieved this, i will use correggio’s virgin and child with young st. john the baptist to see how ideal harmony balance was specifically constructed. the fourteenth century marked a painful transition from the medieval period to the world of the renaissance. its beginning was burdened with disaster and racked by war which had led many people to produce changes about the european society. moving in towards the renaissance, new stirrings such as realistically portrayed art were brought in, including the significance of the unique talents and potential of many individuals. florence became a place for talented artists and the power of the banking families played a large part in the patronage of the arts. artists began signing their works and producing art that was turned away from the religious subject to a depiction of the natural world. advancement in artist’s work included representation of perspective, use of space by making it look uncluttered, a clear focal point, unity, clarity, and use of muted colors. however, this representation was not enough for the great artists of the high renaissance. leonardo da vinci, raphael, and michelangelo revealed not only the complete mastery of the earlier advancements in the renaissance, but also represented ideal qualities and harmonious compositions. if the artists of the early renaissance in florence had created and worked hard to introduce the techniques and styles of renaissance art, then these artists were responsible for taking art to a level of noble expression by mastering those techniques. art took in a toll in becoming more geometrically precise, more realistic, mathematically accurate, subjects showed more signs of emotion and movement, and more detailed backgrounds were present. it was pope julius ii who commissioned such artists to produce fine pieces of art carrying these characteristics.
Complete the text with the present simple passive form of the verbs in the box.
( write draw take buy (x2) design send check upload)
1 How is a fashion magazine made?
The stories and articles in a fashion magazine are written by journalists.
The photos are taken by professional photographers and sometimes photos are bought on the internet.
The cartoons and pictures are drawn by the magazine's illustrators.
Each article is checked by the editor and then the pages are designed by a graphic designer.
When the magazine staff are happy with all of the stories and images, a PDF of the magazine is sent to the printers.
If the magazine has a website, some of the stories are uploaded to the internet.
A few weeks later, the magazine appears in the shops and it is bought and read by you!