1. (he/not/find) the key? 2. (Tom/to be) at work? 3. Why (they/not/tell) me the truth about it? 4. He (never/drive) faster than he should. 5. We (not/walk) a long way. Тема !
In our time, fur became very valuable. Poachers seek from the fur of various animals that beautiful coat. Because of the cruelty of people, many animals die and with each passing day it becomes less and less. Idin of these animals ounce. Irbis is very short. Its wool is very expensive. But I think that because of the fur is not necessary to kill animals.
В наше время мех стал очень ценным . Браконьеры мех добивают от разных животных , которых красивая шерсть. Из за жестокости людей многие животные погибают и их с каждым днем становится все меньше и меньше. Идин из таких животных ирбис. Ирбисов осталось очень мало. Его шерсть очень дорогая . Но я думаю что из из шуб не стоит убивать животных.
3) When we arrived it had already been raining for 3 days there (past simple + past perfect continuous)
4) How many weeks has it already been raining here? (present perfect continuous)
5) It has never been so windy and hot here (present perfect)
6) It has already been snowing for a week (present perfect continuous)
7) I think it is going to be stuffy tomorrow (to be going to)
8) Why didn’t you come to me at 2 p.m? – Yesterday it was raining at that time. I didn’t want to get wet. (past simple + past continuous + past simple)
9) Don’t forget to put the coat on. It’s chilly in the street. (present simple)
10) It’s 10 degrees below zero outside (present simple)
1 Didn't he find ...
2 Was Tom at ...
3 Why didn't they tell...
4 he never drived
5 we didn't walk ...