Summative assessment for the unit “Holidays and Travel” Learning objectives (6.R5) Deduce meaning from context on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts (6.W7) Use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a growing range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics (6.W8) Spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics (6.UE10) Use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria • Identify the meaning and details of the reading texts
• Write a text adhering to the layout and format of a given genre with some support
• Apply correct spelling of most high-frequency vocabulary
• Apply present continuous forms with present and future meaning in the context and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions
Level of thinking skills Application
Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes
Task 1.Read the text below and complete the task.
Summer Holidays
I always enjoy summer. Do you? In summer, I like to relax and forget about school. I don't have to get up early and I can see my friends any time I want.
I like to spend my holidays with my parents. We usually go somewhere with our parents. We love to swim, lie in the sun, but most of all I prefer going camping. We go to different places in Britain and sometimes abroad. In Britain, I like going to Devon, Somerset and Scotland – but my favourite place of all is Yorkshire. It has a lovely countryside and fantastic old buildings. The only problem is the weather!
Last summer, I had two holidays. One was in Somerset, in a little village by the sea, and another was in Naples, in Italy. I went with my mother to Italy – by train! It was unforgettable!
Sam, 12 Britain
Mark the sentences True or False.
Example: Sam finds summer an enjoyable season. True
1. Sam usually has a relaxing timetable in summer.
2. Sam prefers not to remember about school during vacation time.
3. Sam wants to spend his holiday with his friends than with his parents.
4. Lying in the sun is Sam’s favourite activity during holiday.
5. He dislikes weather in Yorkshire.
6. The most exciting experience was a trip to Somerset.
7. His favourite place of all is Yorkshire
8. It has a lovely countryside and fantastic old buildings
9. They love to swim, lie in the sun
10. He likes going to Devon, Somerset and Scotland
Task 2. Write a postcard to a friend. Include Greeting and closing sentence. Use Present Continuous tense.
The following questions will help you to organize your writing:
• What are you doing at the moment?
• Where are you staying?
• What’s the weather like?
• What are you going to do this evening?
• What are you going to do tomorrow?
Example: My friends and I are leaving for Canada soon.
1. The best way to see Venice is to travel along the canals in a gondola.
Лучший увидеть Венецию - путешествовать по каналам на гондоле.
2. The gondoliers often sing to you as you travel the canals.
Гондольеры часто поют вам, когда вы путешествуете по каналам.
3. А longtail boat is a very long and narrow boat with a "tail" at the end. It floats with the help of a screw rotated by the engine.
Длиннохвостая лодка - очень длинная и узкая лодка с "хвостом" на конце. Она плывет с винта, вращаемого двигателем.
4. Longtail boats are often used as a kind of taxi for transporting tourist passengers. Longtail boat races are held in some provinces of Thailand.
Длиннохвостые лодки часто используются как своеобразное такси для перевозки пассажиров-туристов. В некоторых провинциях Таиланда проводятся гонки на длиннохвостых лодках.
5. A rickshaw tour not so expensive. You can reduce the price by haggling with the driver.
Поездка на рикше не такая дорогая. Вы можете снизить цену, поторговавшись с водителем.
P.S.: Скорее всего это во к тексту, в котором есть точные ответы. Так как текст я не нашла, опиралась на общепризнанные факты. В любом случае, Вы можете немного подогнать ответы под текст.