An evergreen shrub of the family Acanthaceae - a representative ofthe flora of tropical America."On the one hand, large beautiful leaves with white veins, retainingtheir decorative effect throughout the life of a flower, can be attributedto the afelandru-fold decorative plants, on the other side - an interesting, like a bump or a small ear of corn, inflorescence withshowy bracts, gives reason to believe afelandra room flowerdecorative flowering plant.
Watering during the spring and summer - a rich, without overdryingand pereuvlazheniya substrate. In autumn and winter - a regular.
The leaves are green.The color of the flower from yellow to orange.
Вечнозелёный кустарник семейства Акантовых – представитель флоры тропической Америки. С одной стороны крупные красивые листья с белыми прожилками, сохраняющие свою декоративность в течение всей жизни цветка, позволяют отнести афеландру к декоративно-листным растениям, с другой стороны – интересное, похожее на шишку или небольшой початок кукурузы, соцветие с эффектными прицветниками, даёт основание считать комнатный цветок афеландра декоративно-цветущим растением.
Полив: в период весна-лето — обильный, без пересушки и переувлажения субстрата. В осенне-зимнее время — регулярный.
Цвет листьев зелёный.Цвет цветка от жёлтого до оранжевого
Most of all I like English. I am happy that we have an opportunity to learn it on our school lessons. We have 3 lessons a week. English is very important now.It is spoken practically all over the world. It has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. English is one of the official languages of the United Nation Organization. It is the second working language in the European Community. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computer technology.
To my mind English is worth studying. Every well-educated person in the world speaks English. Besides, understanding and speaking a foreign language became necessary while applying for a good and well-paid job. Nowadays, a lot of people study foreign languages in every possible way. Foreign-language study groups are organized at industrial enterprises, at the offices of big firms, at the educational establishments, at research institutes A lot of foreign delegations come to our country, hundreds of joint ventures have appeared in every city of our country recently. So without doubt you can't do without learning this beautiful language.