Я так понимаю, для письменного задания нужно придумать по два варианта, чтобы получилось 6 предложений.
Не boasts that he knows everything about computer games. - Он хвастается, что все знает о компьютерных играх
Не boasts that he knows everything about Russian footballers. - Он хвастается, что все знает о российских футболистах.
He shakes hands with the teacher and they go to room. - Он поздоровался за руку с учителем и они пошли в кабинет.
He shakes hands with his classmates and they go to buy some candies. - Он поздоровался за руку с одноклассниками и они пошли купить конфет.
We think Bill is a boaster as he shows his new iPhone to all of us. - Мы думаем, что Билл хвастун, так как он показывает свой новый айфон всем нам.
We think Mark is a boaster as he says he has a lot of prizes. - Мы думаем, что Марк хвастун, так как он говорит, что у него есть множество призов.
1. She told Peter (that) she would phone him the following day.
2. He said (that) they were working in the garden.
3. He said (that) he would go shopping the following day.
4. She told me (that) she couldn't go out that night.
5. She said to me (that) she couldn't find her bag.
6. He said (that) he had bought a new car the previous week.
7. They said (that) they were not doing anything the next week.
8. He said (that) he had forgotten to pay the bill.
9. She told us (that) they had married six months before.
10. She told me (that) they had brought me a present.