My favorite sport is running, and now I'll tell you why.
First, it develops endurance and fortitude. It is one of the most effective sports for the development of all muscles. Through running, all muscle groups develop well.
Secondly, after training your body is relaxed and well developed, you feel like after each race you become stronger and stronger.
I know several people who were able to prove themselves in this sport: David Rudisha, Michael Johnson, Wade Van Niekerk, Tyson Gaye, Usain Bolt.
Мой любимый вид спорта - это бег, и теперь я расскажу почему.
Во-первых, развивает выносливость и силу духа. Это один из самых эффективных видов спорта для развития всех мышц. Благодаря бегу хорошо развиваются все группы мышц.
Во-вторых, после тренировки ваше тело расслаблено и хорошо развито, вы чувствуете, что после каждой гонки становитесь все сильнее и сильнее.
Я знаю несколько человек, которые смогли проявить себя в этом виде спорта: Дэвид Рудиша, Майкл Джонсон, Уэйд Ван Никерк, Тайсон Гэй, Усэйн Болт.
I suppose all schoolchildren like holidays. Some of them are couch potatoes. They prefer watching TV, playing computer games and doing nothing. Others are very active, hard-working and sociable. They enjoy learning new things, reading new books, making new friends.As for me, I am very active and adventurous. I want to see the world and know everything. That is why I learn English and every holidays I try to go to a language camp where I can have a rest, improve my speaking English and have fun.Last winter holidays I spent in Luga in the camp. It is located in a beautiful place not far from the lake. Itis surrounded by tall pine-trees. When I came there I was impressed by nature. The trees, the ground, everything were covered with snow.There were about 70 boys and girls in the camp. We lived in comfortable double rooms.Every day we woke up early, rode horses, attended English classes, a theatrical circle and a dancing club. I liked English classes most of all. Our teachers were native speakers and we had a chance to talk to them in English. We practiced English through different situations, games and songs. It helped me to enrich my vocabulary and feel more confident in speaking English.
My favorite sport is running, and now I'll tell you why.
First, it develops endurance and fortitude. It is one of the most effective sports for the development of all muscles. Through running, all muscle groups develop well.
Secondly, after training your body is relaxed and well developed, you feel like after each race you become stronger and stronger.
I know several people who were able to prove themselves in this sport: David Rudisha, Michael Johnson, Wade Van Niekerk, Tyson Gaye, Usain Bolt.
Мой любимый вид спорта - это бег, и теперь я расскажу почему.
Во-первых, развивает выносливость и силу духа. Это один из самых эффективных видов спорта для развития всех мышц. Благодаря бегу хорошо развиваются все группы мышц.
Во-вторых, после тренировки ваше тело расслаблено и хорошо развито, вы чувствуете, что после каждой гонки становитесь все сильнее и сильнее.
Я знаю несколько человек, которые смогли проявить себя в этом виде спорта: Дэвид Рудиша, Майкл Джонсон, Уэйд Ван Никерк, Тайсон Гэй, Усэйн Болт.