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TERM 3 Summative assessment for the unit "Our Health

I. Reading task.

Task 1.Read the text and circle the correct answer.

I never used to worry about my health until recently. When I was a kid, I did lots of exercise. Even in my twenties and thirties I was very fit and never ill. I have been lucky all my life - always in the best of health. I rarely get even a cold. I suppose time catches up with you. Now I seem to be getting lots of little aches and pains. I should go to the doctor for a health check, but I'm too busy. The older you get, the more you worry about your health. One good thing is that I'm eating more healthily now than ever before. I no longer have fast food and midnight snacks. I also sleep a lot more. I've read that getting seven or eight hours sleep every night is one of the best things you can do for your health.

1. When he was a kid he

A) trained a lot

B) never did any exercising C) was good at sports

2. He was lucky because

A) he was young B) he got cold

C) he was healthy

3. He thinks when people become older they A) have better health

B) worry about health

C) need medication

4. In his opinion, a good thing is that

A) he eats healthier food B) he ate healthy food before

C) he does not care about food

5. Now he sleeps

A) less

B) more

C) better

6. .I

A) has read B) had

C) have read

that getting seven or eight hours sleep every night.

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It takes centuries to domestication

Although, of course, it is much easier to see all the harm from keeping large animals as pets, the harmful effect is no less when it comes to smaller representatives of wildlife. Already for millions of years, wild animals live and develop as independent creatures. Their needs, instincts and behavior are directly related to their natural habitat, and that is why it is inhuman to take them out of their home environment. Remember that no matter how accurately people try to recreate the natural conditions for animals in captivity, it is still far from being free. Animals in such artificial conditions will experience stress and confusion, trying to adapt to that which contradicts their natural instincts. And the fact that some wild animals are born or grow in captivity does not at all mean that they suddenly became domesticated.

Habitat destruction

Another problem with the sale of wild animals in principle is no different from a similar problem with domestic cats and dogs - some people simply do not care about them properly. They can simply get tired of these animals and release them to freedom in the wild. This very blatant mistake not only harms animals, but can also imbalance the environment, which is not native to them. For example, iguanas, for which Puerto Rico is not a native habitat, caused many problems there, eating plants and crops, digging burrows under roads and even causing delays at airports, as they very often run to runways.

The capture of wild animals threatens their survival

Wild animals suffer very much after being caught. Every year, a huge number of birds and reptiles suffer and die on the way to pet stores. Often they are kept in tight cages and aquariums, in terrible and unsafe conditions. Again, breeding animals in captivity is not at all a solution to this problem, since all these creatures still remain wild.

Wild animals spread diseases

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn that direct contact with wild animals should be avoided, since they can carry dangerous diseases for people, including rabies, herpes and salmonella. Tens of thousands of people are infected each year with salmonella from reptiles or amphibians alone.

When you take an animal to your house as a pet, you must take the responsibility to ensure that you have the proper accommodation. And when it comes to a wild animal, it's simply impossible. So what can you do to help? Fight for laws in your city that forbid the establishment of houses of wild animals, and especially those species that are on the verge of extinction. Support the authoritative rescue and rehabilitation centers and in no case buy any wild animals. If you still decide to take such an animal to your home, make sure that you can recreate its natural habitat as accurately as possible, but remember that these conditions still will not equal the life that it should lead in its native conditions in the wild.
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