Jerome Jerome - Three in a boat (not counting dogs)
Three friends: George, Harris and Jay (short for Jerome) plan to take a pleasure boat ride up the Thames. They intend to have excellent fun, take a break from London with its unhealthy climate and merge with nature. The author threaded the thread of the narrative of a journey along the river like beads, everyday episodes, jokes, funny adventures and finally safely arrived in London, where an excellent dinner in a restaurant reconciles them with life, and they raise their glasses for their wise last act.
On Wednesday, 9th October a small thin man waited for a ship at Suez, Egypt.
When the Mongolia arrived at the port, Phileas Fogg left the ship.
Fix watched him, Then the detective found Passepartout out in the town.
' 'You haven't got much time, then?' asked the detective.
' No, Mr. Fogg hasn't got much time.
' 'You've got time for shopping,' Fix answered.
' It's 9.52 in the morning!' 'No, it's 11.52,' said Fix.
On your journey you'll have to change the time on your watch for each new country.
' 'What! Change the time on my watch ? Never!' said Passepartout.
Five minutes later he said,' Here are the shops.
' 'Oh yes! Last Wednesday, Mr. Fogg came back from his club at 7.50 in the evening.
'But where is Mr. Fogg going?' 'Round the world.
'He has a lot of new banknotes with him, and he buys things all the time.
Phileas Fogg was, Fix thought, the Bank of England thief.
5 Ten minutes before the Mongolia left Suez, Fix was on the ship with a light bag and some money.