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15.07.2022 02:23 •  Английский язык

Краткое сочиние о велекобритании, , : ))

Общие сведения. Страна, расположенная на Британских островах у северо-западных берегов континентальной Европы, традиционно называется (по имени крупнейшего острова) Великобританией, а по названию исторической части ‘ Англией. Официально же она именуется Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. В Великобританию входят три историко-географические области: Англия, Уэльс и Шотландия. В состав Соединенного Королевства включается также Северная Ирландия, занимающая северо-восточную часть острова Ирландия. Это-четвертая область страны.Британские острова ‘ самый обширный архипелаг в Европе. В него входят два больших острова ‘ Великобритания и Ирландия, разделенные Ирландским морем, и еще 5 тыс. малых островов, среди которых особо выделяются группы островов на севере: Гебридские, Оркнейские и Шетландские. Южная оконечность острова Великобритания ‘ полуостров Лизард ‘ находится на 50 градусов с. ш., а самая северная часть архипелага ‘ Шетландские острова ‘ на 60 градусов с. ш. Протяженность острова Великобритания с севера на юг составляет 966км, а наибольшая его ширина вдвое меньше. Расположенный на континентальном шельфе, Британский архипелаг отделен мелководным Северным морем от Швеции, Дании и узкими проливами Ла-Манш и Па-де-Кале от Франции. С 1993 года действует туннель под проливом Ла-Манш. Строительство этого туннеля можно считать грандиозным. Достаточно сказать, что общая протяженность туннеля составляет 49 километров, а длина галерей, проложенных под дном пролива-38 километров. Чтобы добраться из Лондона до Парижа на поезде надо всего три часа. ‘Наконец то Европа присоединилась к Англии ‘ так говорят англичане по поводу Евротуннеля. Каждая из историко-географических областей Великобритании отличается национальным составом населения, имеет свою историю, характерные географические черты. Каждая из них унаследовала от много особенностей в юридических системах, в структуре местных органов власти, в вероисповедании населения и в системе образования.
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Have you seen Jaws, the famous film about the Great White Shark? For an hour and twenty minutes of the film the shark isn’t seen except for bits and pieces and shadows underwater. But when it suddenly appears above the water for the first time, even grown-up people scream and those who have a poor heart reach for their nitroglycerine pills.
Sharks are probably the most feared of all sea animals. There are more than 350 kinds of sharks in the waters of the world. But, scientists say, only 30 species are dangerous to man. Of these 30 five species are known as especially voracious man-eaters: the Great White, the Tiger Shark, the Hammerhead, the Bull Shark, and the Whitetip Shark.
Though shark attacks are rare, they are always sudden, deadly and dramatic. Sharks live in oceans throughout the world but are usually found in warm seas. Some species, however, prefer fresh water and can be met in rivers and lakes.Sharks are remarkably successful animals. They are fast and strong. They are wonderful swimmers. They have very few parasites and are hardly ever ill. They have almost no enemies except other sharks.
Though they are undesirable animals for swimmers, water-skiers, windsurfers and divers, sharks play an important ecological role.
Unfortunately, there are many things we do not know about sharks. We do not knew how long they live and how much food they need to stay alive. There are still undiscovered species in the deep waters of the world ocean.
It’s hard to study sharks at sea, and it’s still harder to keep big sharks alive in a tank.
Some people think that, all sharks are big, but this is not true. Some kinds of sharks are no bigger than your hand. The smallest shark is about 16 centimeters long and weighs about 28 grams.Sharks swam in the sea long before dinosaurs walked the earth — more than 400 million years ago. There are no more dinosaurs left on our planet, but there are still plenty of sharks.
What makes a shark a shark? Among other features, it has a cartilaginous skeleton lighter than bone, and skin covered with tooth-like scales called denticles.
Besides the five senses that humans possess, sharks have the so called ampullae of Lorenzini, electro-receptors so sensitive that they can detect fields as weak as five-billionths of a volt per centimetre.
Different sharks have different habits. Some kinds live in the depths of the ocean and are very seldom seen. Others are found near the surface. Some species of sharks live in coastal waters, but others dwell far out at sea. A few species enter rivers and lakes. For example, Bull Sharks have been captured in the Amazon River in Brazil, in the Ganges River in India, and in the Mississippi River in the United States. Bull Sharks often feed on other sharks and have attacked swimmers.I like little shark.
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Ants - a secret society, one in a million scattered across the globe.
Millions of years they exchange encrypted information and pave the secret paths. Only now are we beginning to recognize them, only gets to their secret codes.
In something like ants aliens. They can carry the load exceeds 100 times their weight. Can hang on the bottom of his head on a smooth glass.
They consume large amounts of food and move over very long distances.
Each ant has a considerable force, and by working together they turn into a super-civilization.
Called nomadic ants usually without permanent slots regularly moved from place to place, bringing their larvae. At the same time they have a triad of specific features (nomadic syndrome).
How many live Marawi:
Worker ant lives of 1 to 3 years. At the same time smaller species life expectancy of an ant is smaller than the large ones. And the ants that live in colder regions, also live on average longer than those in the tropics.
Male ants live only a few weeks. Their mission - to participate in mating. In the future, they are destroyed or the ants out of their anthill same, or they die in the clutches of predators.
Uterus ants - the longest-lived member of the colony. In some species, the life expectancy of the uterus may be up to 20 years - it is 10-15 times more than the approximately how many lives worker ants.
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