PAST PROGRESSIVE. 1. My father was watching an interesting programme on TV, while I was reading for the examination. 2. We were playing the chess when the telephone rang. 3. My parents were having an unpleasant conversation when I came into their room. 4. Yesterday I was trying to beat the computer at chess all evening. 5. In the zoo the lions were being fed from 8.00 till 8.30 in the morning. 6. While we were having a swim in the lake, Mary was preparing a pleasant surprise for us. 7. When we were playing football, I suddenly broke my leg. 8. My mother was sewing a dress when our plumber knocked at the door. 9. When we were hopelessly losing the match, she gave me a smile. 10. I was writing a newspaper article while my wife was having a rest in the garden. PAST SIMPLE. 1. We graduated from the Institute in 1987. 2. My friend went to England to work for a probationary period three months ago. 3. I was on holiday in Bulgaria two weeks ago. 4. A friend of mine wrote a new operating system two months ago. 5. I was fond of swimming two years ago. 6. Tom forgot to remind me of the forthcoming lecture at Moscow State University yesterday. 7. I ate an apple, drank a glass of lemonade and went to school. 8. I wrote three novels last year. 9. I saw a lion in the zoo yesterday. 10. She was my bride in 1999.
Present Simple : действие повторяется , образуется при вс глаголов do(I,we,you,they)/does(he,she,it) глагол с окончанием s/es. указательные слова :every day/week/year,often,always. Present Progressive: действие происходит в данный момент , вс глаголы am(I)/is(he,she,it)/are(they,we,you) и глагол с окончанием ing. Указательные слова:now,at the moment Past Simple :простое время . Вс глагол did и глагол во второй форме или с окончанием ed.указательные слова : yesterday,last week,in 1978,ago. Present Perfect:это действие которое завершилось к настоящему времени.Например ,она купила платье и носит его до сих пор.Вс глаголы have(I,you,we,they)/has(he,she,it). Указательные слова :just,never,ever,already,since. Future Simple:действие произойдет в будущем.Вс глаголы will/shall,но так-то со всеми местоимениями модно will употреблять.Указательные слова :rommorow,from 2 days,in2020 Past Progressive: длительное время,которое совершалось в Например,когда Джон зашел в комнату , его мама спала(When John came in the room ,his mother was sleeping) Вс глаголы was(I,he,she,it)/were