1 Climbing Kilimanjaro was a gruelling undertaking, so we were completely exhausted when we reached the top. 2 The farm was in a remote spot; the nearest village was more than thirty miles away. 3 The bite of this Australian spider can be lethal to humans. It can kill you in a few minutes. 4 Many intrepid explorers risked their lives to visit the unexplored parts of the world. 5 The historic city of Kraków was the capital of Poland for over 500 years. 6 The sea off the coast of Somalia is notorious for pirates who attack passing ships. 7 Robert Falcon Scott was sadly unsuccessful in his attempt to be the first to reach the South Pole.
I hang 1) out at the shops but didn't have any money to spend. Then, one day, I bumped 2) into an old friend whose dad had his own business and we started chatting. We got 3) on well with each other and he told me that his father might give me a job, so we went to see him. He was great and I started the next day, working in his toy shop. I spent most of the first day fooling 4) around with the model trains! I don't know how he put 5) up with my behaviour, but eventually I calmed 6) down and now, five years later.
2.goes, works
5.is watching
6.it is raining