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Составить 7 вопросов к тексту london: london london is the capital of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. it is situated on the thames. it is a large industrial and cultural center. it is one of the largest cities in the world. it's population is more than 8 million people. the thames divides london into parts: the west end and the east end. the west end is the distract of the rich. in the west end there are many famous museums and theatres, palaces and parks. the city is the commercial center of the country. whitehall is the political center. the east end is the district of factories and of the poor. there are very many places of interest: the houses of parliament , the tower, st. paul’s cathedral, westminster abbey, buckingham palace, trafalgar square, piccadilly circus, the british museum . the houses of parliament is the place where the english government and parliament sit. the tower of london was a fortress, a palace and a prison many years ago. now it’s a museum. trafalgar square is named is memory of nelson’s great victory. in the middle of the square stands the famous nelson column with a statue of nelson on the top of it. piccadilly circus with its famous central fountain on the top of which stands a statue of eros, the greek god of love, is the heart of the west end. the british museum is really a history museum. it is one of the most famous museum of the world. in westminster abbey english kings and queens are crowned and many famous men are buried there: charles dickens, kipling, shakespeare, burns, byron, scott and other. buckingham palace is know all over the world to be the home of britain’s kings and queens. the house was bought by george iii in 1762 from the duke of buckingham, from whom it takes its name. queen victoria was the first to make the palace her official residence. st. paul’s cathedral is the masterpiece of the well – known english architect christopher wren.

1. What is a capital city of the United Kingdom?
2. What are the two parts of the Thames divides London?
3. Is a London a commercial city?
4. Where to sit the English Government and Parliament?
5. What are the most interesting places in London?
6. What is the name of Trafalgar Square?
7. What is the most historical museum in the town?
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Как я провел выходные выходные у меня удались на славу! И очень хорошо, что накануне дождь. В субботу утром к нам приехал в гости дядя Петя, папин брат. Последние два года он жил в Индии, поэтому сказал, что очень хочет съездить в лес по грибы. Он очень соскучился по России и по нашим лесам. Мы встретили дядю Петю и сначала прогуляли немного по городу. А потом сели в машину и отправились в лес за грибами. В лесу было красиво, грибов было много, я видел выводок ежат и вспугнул какую-то зверушку - наверное, зайца. Потом мы устроились на берегу маленькой речки, разожгли огонь в мангале и стали жарить на огне мясо, овощи и грибы. Было очень вкусно. Дядя Петя рассказал много интересных и смешных историй. Он бывал во многих странах и многое видел. Потом мы собрались и поехали домой.В воскресенье мы проводили гостя на вокзале и я побежал к другу, с которым мы договорились сходить в кино. После кино друг попросил меня ему с русским, а он мне подсказал, как решать задачу по математике. Потом я вернулся домой и маме готовить ужин. А вечером мы все вместе смотрели интересный фильм.
How I spent the weekendLast weekend I succeeded in glory! And it's very good that it rained the day before. On Saturday morning, Uncle Peter came to visit us, my father's brother. The last two years he lived in India, so he said he really wants to go to the forest for mushrooms. He really missed Russia and our forests. We met Uncle Petya and at first we walked a bit around the city. And then we got into the car and went to the forest for mushrooms. In the forest it was beautiful, there were a lot of mushrooms, I saw a brood they were eating and scared some animal, probably a hare. Then we settled down on the bank of a small river, kindled a fire in the grill and fried meat, vegetables and mushrooms. It was delicious. Uncle Petya told many interesting and funny stories. He visited many countries and saw much. Then we packed up and drove home.On Sunday we had a guest at the station and I ran to a friend with whom we agreed to go to the movies. After the movie, a friend asked me to help him with the Russian, and he told me how to solve the problem in mathematics. Then I went back home and helped my mother cook dinner. And in the evening we all watched the movie together
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The area extends from the construction of stereotypes delusional fantasies to the conscious use by scientists rounded calculation results. All human culture - is mainly (as interpreted by Lippman, of course) the selection, reorganization, tracking different models of the environment. In other words, stereotyping is saving his own efforts as an attempt to see all things anew and in detail, rather than as types and generalization, tiring, and for the busy man is almost doomed to failure. In addition, it should be noted instances of non-typing: a close circle there is no way to replace individualized understanding of something or something to save it. Those whom we love and admire someone, most of them - men and women who know more of ourselves, and not the classification, under which we can draw.Layout of the worldIn addition to saving effort, the stereotypes seem to do, and another function: the system of stereotypes can serve as the core of our personal tradition, a way to protect our position in society. They are ordered, more or less consistent picture of the world. It is conveniently placed our habits, tastes, abilities, pleasure and hope. The stereotypical picture of the world may be incomplete, but it is a picture of a possible world to which we have adapted. In this world of people and objects occupy space assigned to them and act as expected. We feel in this world, at home, we are a part of it.It is not surprising that any change in stereotyping perceived as an attack on the foundations of the universe. This attack on the base of our world, and when it comes to serious things, we are actually not so easy to assume that there is a difference between our personal world and the world in general.The system of stereotypes - not just a way to replace the magnificent diversity and messy reality of an orderly presentation of it, only a shortened and simplified way of perception. Stereotypes are the guarantee of our self-esteem, is projected to the outside world the awareness of our values, protect our position in society and our rights, and consequently, the stereotypes are filled with feelings, preferences, affection or hostility, are associated with fears, desires, instincts, pride, hope. The facility, which activates a stereotype assessed in connection with the relevant emotions
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