Task 1.
1. action
2. horror
3. adventure
4. fantasy
5. drama
Task 2.
1. information
2. education
3. entertainment
4. creation
5. invention
Task 3.
1. How often do you go to the cinema?
2. I don't like horror movies: they're very violent.
3. I've already seen this comedy twice.
4. Some people, especially young people, consider that cinema should be a place where you can spend time after working hours.
5. Most of all, I enjoy watching adventures, fantastic, historical and romaтtic films.
Task 4.
I think my favourite film is Amelie. It is a wonderful romantic comedy about a young woman's fantasy world. The heroine is a painfully shy waitress who decides to set out on a mission to make others happy. Amelie also celebrates life's small pleasures, like breaking the hard crust of creme brulee with a spoon, she enjoys plunging her hand in a bag of grains when she visits the greengrocer etc. Amelie offers a poetic and not boring vision of everyday life. The atmosphere in the film fascinated me at first side. Also, I love background music composed by Yann Tiersen. I can watch it again and again.
Я думаю, что мой любимый фильм - Амели. Это замечательная романтическая комедия о фантастическом мире молодой женщины. Героиня очень стеснительная официантка, которая решает отправиться на миссию, сделать других людей счастливыми. Амели также празднует маленькие радости жизни, например, ломая твердую корочку крем-брюле ложкой, ей нравится погружать свою руку в мешок с зернами, когда она заходит в овощной магазин и т.д. Амели предлагает поэтическое и не скучное видение повседневной жизни. Атмосфера в фильме очаровала меня с первой взгляда. Также я люблю фоновую музыку, написанную Яном Тирсеном. Я могу смотреть этот фильм снова и снова.
The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location. Ukraine’s territory lies in the temperate belt and its climate is temperately continental, only the southern coast of the Crimea is subtropical. The climate of Ukraine is characterized by considerable variations due to the great range from north to south and from west to east, stretching from the areas under the influence of the north-western Atlantic to the interior of the continent. This means that the air temperature decreases not only from north to south but also from west to east. The characteristic features of the climate are higher summer temperatures, lower winter temperatures, and rare rainfalls.
The U.S. government, together with the nation’s private sector, instructed women on many fronts and carefully scrutinized their responses to the wartime emergency. The foremost message to women—that their activities and sacrifices would be needed only “for the duration” of the war—was both a promise and an order, suggesting that the war and the opportunities it created would end simultaneously. Social mores were tested by the demands of war, allowing women to benefit from the shifts and make alterations of their own. Yet dominant gender norms provided ways to maintain social order amidst fast-paced change, and when some women challenged these norms, they faced harsh criticism. Race, class, sexuality, age, religion, education, and region of birth, among other factors, combined to limit opportunities for some women while expanding them for others.
However temporary and unprecedented the wartime crisis, American women would find that their individual and collective experiences from 1941 to 1945 prevented them from stepping back into a prewar social and economic structure. By stretching and reshaping gender norms and roles, World War II and the women who lived it laid solid foundations for the various civil rights movements that would sweep the United States and grip the American imagination in the second half of the 20th century.