Тут потрибно вибрати тильки 1 правильне з 3. Можно поскорее))) Спапсибі) 1. Ben invited to speak at the conference. Ben was inviting to speak at the conference. Ben was invited to speak at the conference.
2. The meeting was called off. The meeting was calling off. The meeting was call off.
3. The rat were placed into a T-shaped maze. The rat placed into a T-shaped maze. The rat was placed into a T-shaped maze.
4. He was looked after by his grandmother. He was looking after by his grandmother. He looked after by his grandmother.
5. Was the money stolen by her husband? Were the money stolen by her husband? Was the money stole by her husband?
6. Were the pancakes thrown up in the air? - Yes, they were. Were the pancakes thrown up in the air? - Yes, it was. Was the pancakes thrown up in the air? - Yes, it was.
7. Why was the road crossed by the chicken? Why the road was crossed by the chicken? Why was the road crossing by the chicken?
8. The fish were not caught by the seagull. The fish was not catched by the seagull. The fish was not caught by the seagull.
9. He were given a book for his birthday. He was given a book for his birthday. He was giving a book for his birthday.
10. The lion was killed by the hunter? Was the lion killing by the hunter. Was the lion killed by the hunter?
During the first week of our trip we only swam in the sea. It was very warm with large waves. Near the rocks there were a lot of different fishes, and all the tourists watched them. One day we went on the excursion. It was the excursion to the Salvador Dali Museum – a famous Spanish painter. We went to his castle and admired his garden around it. There were many trees and beautiful flowers. But the main purpose of our trip was to see his paintings. All the pictures are very unusual and strange. But this mystery is a drop of real art. And what his moustaches are! We also saw his wife in his paintings. So I can say that the excursion was amazing. Near the castle we saw a field of sunflowers. It was all yellow and very beautiful. After the excursion we went to a Spanish cafe. There we tasted delicious pasta.
It was the best day of the trip, I should say. We bought a lot of souvenirs and books about the life of Salvador Dali. I think that when you come to Spain, you should visit this Museum
Природа в Испании очень красивая, и все деревья были зелеными, когда мы приехали туда. Я увидела глубокое и синее море и мне захотелось искупаться. Но на третий день нашего пребывания в Испании мы увидели темные тучи, и поэтому мы решили отправиться на экскурсию по городу. Там я увидела настоящую Испанскую жизнь. Это было очень привлекательным для меня.
В течение первой недели нашего путешествия мы только купались в море.Оно было очень теплое, с большими волнами. Около скал было много разных рыб, и все туристы наблюдали за ними. В один прекрасный день мы отправились на экскурсию. Это была экскурсия в музей Сальвадора Дали — знаменитого испанского живописца. Мы пошли к нему в замок и восхищались его садом вокруг замка. Там было много деревьев и красивых цветов. Но главной целью нашей поездки было увидеть его картины. Все картины очень необычные и странные. Но эта тайна — капля настоящего искусства. А какие у него усы! Мы также увидели на картинах его жену. Поэтому, я могу сказать, что экскурсия была удивительной. Возле замка мы заметили поле подсолнухов. Оно было все желтое и очень красивое. После экскурсии мы отправились в испанское кафе. Там мы попробовали вкусные макароны.
Это был лучший день поездки, я должна сказать. Мы купили много сувениров и книг о жизни Сальвадора Дали. Я думаю, что когда вы приедете в Испанию, вы должны посетить этот музей!