1 There is a stadium in our village.
2 There are many trees in the park.
3 The supermarket is the best place to buy food.
4 The bridge is the best place to see the river.
5 There are many monuments in my city.
6 There is the main square in the monument.
1. He earned a (reputation) as an expert on tax law.
2. (Curiousity) killed the cat.
3. The financial mistake was likely to be the (destruction) of the whole business.
4. During (adolescency), boys are sometimes very shy.
5. We are for the (maintainance) of peace and (stability) in Asia.
6. He is a meat (eater), not a (vegetarian).
7. He didnt even have the (courteousy) to answer my letter.
4. (Stardom) is ultimate ambition of most young singers and (actors).
5. Stephen nodded to him in (encouragement).
6. The act also settled a doubt concerning the (legality) of land (acquisition).
7. The situation has arisen as a result of our serious staffing (shortage).
8. The writers use of (repetition) is a stylistic device.
There is a stadium in our village.
There are many trees in the park.
The supermarket is the best place to buy food.
The bridge is the best place to see the river.
There are many monuments in my city.
There is the monument in the square.