1. Cat Eyes
green. 2. Toys for children in a large box. 3. My father's birthday is in May. 4. And what a coincidence! it
my mom's favorite cake. 5. I love my husband's books. 6. What is the name of that
young man? 7. He showed me a letter from his sister. 8. She took the skates
own brother. 9. Give me the notebooks of your students. 10. Bring the kids stuff.
11. Yesterday the children found a bird's nest. 12. This is my friend's family. My friend's father
- an engineer. My friend's mother is a teacher. 13. Whose bag is this? - This is a bag
Toma. 14. Whose dictionaries are these? - These are students' dictionaries. 15. Have you seen our book
teachers? 16. I like the handwriting of this boy. 17. I hear my sister's voice.
18. She opened the window and heard the laughter and cries of children. 19. She put wet
Boys' boots to the stove. 20. This is a grandmother's chair.
2. can
3. can't
4. can't
5. can
6. can't
7. could
8. can
9. can
10. couldn't