Dear Mum,
It's ten o'clock in the evening and I am in the library at the medical school.
Lots of other students are working (work) .It's quite silent,except when someone is turning (turn) a page. Tomorrow the end-of-tern exams start. Everyone is very frightend and no on sleeps much at the moment. The weather is a lot better now.
I like living( live) in country which has seasons. Although the winter is horrible, it's really exciting when the first leaves ( leaf) appear on the trees the bulbs start to push up through the earth. However, I miss the Caribbean and the food specially. I've got a new girl friend.
I met her when we had( have) welcoming party. I really like her and she cooks almost as well as you.
I have some more good news - I found ( find) a nice little flat near the hospital and my friend Bob and I will move( move) in it at the end of the week. I really hate the room I live now.
I hope I will enjoy myself (I) in a new one/
It would (be) better to get back to work.
Wish me good luck with my exams.
Lots of love and hugs to you.
1. Nur-Sultan is the capital of England. __FALSE__
2. It is in the central part of Kazakhstan.__TRUE__
3. There are 6 hundred thousand people in Nur-Sultan.__FALSE___
4. Nur-Sultan is famous for its modern buildings.___TRUE___
5. Khan Shatyr is the symbol of city.__FALSE___
Task 2.
1. got/not/I/blue/eyes/have
……I have not got blue eyes…………………………….
2. have / you/camera/got/a/digital/?
……Have you got a digital camera?………………..
3. not/have/frogs/got/tails
……Frogs have not got tails………………………………
4. she/got/small/ears/has
……She has got small ears………………………………
5. they /got/sunglasses /have/?
…Have they got sunglasses?…………………………
Task 3.
1 .Those pens are mine.
2. This bike is my brother’s.
3. These tomatoes are big
4. Those girls are in my class.
5. These are Jack’s CDs
я считаю, что большая семья - это хорошо и плохо. в большой семье всегда найдется все друг друга любят и поддерживают. я считаю, что большая семья может быть у того, у кого много денег. без денег сейчас никак. нужно чем-то кормить свою семью, одевать. нет денег-нет семьи.Сегодня же подавляющее большинство родителей ориентировано в нашей стране на одного ребенка, два – уже подвиг.Порой, и в семье, где один или два ребенка, вырастают хорошие дети, а в среде многодетных семей - неблагополучные.решать вопрос о количестве детей могут только сами супруги, но счастлива лишь та семья, в которой каждый ребенок – желанный!