Чиполлино. Моего любимого героя зовут Чиполлино. Он из сказки Джанни Родари. Имя Чиполлино обозначает луковка. Он из большой луковой семьи. Его семья жила в деревянной лачуге. По характеру Чиполлино добрый, веселый, неунывающий, справедливый, бесстрашный и храбрый. Чиполлино жителям своей страны освободиться от власти жестокого принца Лимона, злого сеньора Помидора и противных графинь Вишен. Чиполлино и его друзьям удается освободить из тюрьмы всех узников, разбить лимонное войско и выгнать принца Лимона вместе с его лимончиками из королевства, а замок графинь Вишен превратить во Дворец для детей. Мне очень нравится Чиполлино, потому что он никогда не бросит друга в беде и всегда нуждающимся.
Chipollino. My favorite character is called Chipollino. He's from a fairy tale by Gianni Rodari. The name denotes a Cipollino onion. He of the large onion family. His family lived in a wooden shack. Character Chipollino kind, merry, cheerful, fair, fearless and brave. Cipollino helps people of his country to be freed from the power of the cruel Prince Lemon, Signor Tomato evil and nasty countesses Cherry. Cipollino and his friends manage to release from prison of all prisoners, beat lemon army and drive out of Prince Lemon with its lemon from the Kingdom, and the castle of Countess Cherry to turn into a Palace for children. I really like Cipollino, because he would never abandon a friend in trouble and always help those in need.
I’ve been fond of cartoons from the very childhood and I still like watching some of them. My favourite cartoon is “Tom and Jerry”. It’s not too childish, so people of all ages can watch it. The main characters of this cartoon are the cat Tom and the mouse Jerry. Each time Tom sees Jerry, he tries to catch him, but unsuccessfully. Jerry is a little, smart mouse. He gets away with any prank. The reason, why I like this cartoon more than others, is its kind and funny plot. Each time I watch it, it makes me smile and laugh, so good mood for the day is provided. When I was younger, I also watched “Tom and Jerry”. I can’t say I liked Tom’s character more than Jerry’s, or vice versa. I liked both these characters, as they were good in their own way. Tom often gets in stupid situations while chasing a tricky mouse and that makes me feel sorry for him. Jerry’s mission is not to get caught, because if he does, the cat will probably eat him. So, when I watch the series of this cartoon, I worry about both characters at the same extent. I’m sure I’m not the only child, who likes “Tom and Jerry”. Millions of kids across the world watch this cartoon.
1 won't get
2 won't matter
3 we are
4 will the others do
5 we aren't
6 they won't panic
7 they have to
8 people will be
9 we don't turn up
10 you don't keep
11 everything will be
12 he makes
13 everybody will be
14 he wants
15 nobody will mind
16 he tells
17 we will laugh
18 he talks
19 I will have to
1. If she speaks German very well she will apply for the job
2. If your friend doesn't phone she won't hear about the teaching jobs.
3. If she doesn't contact the company they won't ask you to go for an interview.