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15.09.2022 20:44 •  Английский язык

Переведите и вставьте правильный вариант (укажите разницу между вариантами) «Learning to live with the lemur»
When I was three, my family went (on/in) a trip (at/to) London Zoo. My dad still tells the story of the fi rst animal we saw that day. Nobody knew what it was, until, he says, I suddenly screamed “They’re lemurs!” Where, at just three, did I learn lemur? We still have no idea.
Last month I fi nally got a chance to spend time (on/with) these animals – 30 years after surprising my parents in that zoo. I flew (to/in) the island of Madagascar, the home of the lemur. I was visiting a wildlife-conservation project.
When people fi rst arrived on the island, 2,000 years ago, there were hundreds of difference species of lemur. They included the giant lemur – as big as a gorilla, weighing 200 kg. But people hunted the animals and cut down large areas of the lemurs’ forests. The giant lemur became extinct in only a few years. Many other species died for similar reasons. And they are still dying.
Now, there are 70 species of the animal, from the tiny 28 g mouse lemur to the famous ring-tailed lemur I probably saw in that zoo. They now live in an area of 6,000 km2 – just 10% of the island. Fortunately, the country is trying to protect the lemur. Volunteers are working on a variety of projects: from talking to schools (to/about) the environment to actually counting the number of male and female lemurs in the forest. And the project are a success. While I was there, I heard stories (about/aroun) the discovery of a new population of bamboo lemurs unusual species on the island. Scientists previously believed there were only 150 of them left.
The charity is looking (for/of) 20 volunteers for a project next January. You have to pay (on/for) your flights and also £500 for a two - week project. They spend the money (on/with) school and clean water - Madagascar isn't a rich country Accommodation and meals are free.


- Учусь жить с лемуром»

Когда мне было три года, моя семья отправилась в поездку в Лондонский зоопарк. Мой отец до сих пор рассказывает историю о первом животном, которое мы увидели в тот день. Никто не знал, что это такое, пока, по его словам, я вдруг не закричал: “Это лемуры!” Где, в три года, я выучил лемура? Мы до сих пор ничего не знаем.

В месяце я наконец – то получил возможность провести время (на/с) этими животными-через 30 лет после того, как удивил своих родителей в этом зоопарке. Я прилетел на остров Мадагаскар, где обитает лемур. Я посещал проект по сохранению дикой природы.

Когда люди впервые прибыли на остров, 2000 лет назад, там были сотни различных видов лемуров. Среди них был гигантский лемур – размером с гориллу, весом 200 кг. Но люди охотились на животных и вырубали большие участки лемурских лесов. Гигантский лемур вымер всего за несколько лет. Многие другие виды умерли по сходным причинам. И они все еще умирают.

Сейчас существует 70 видов этого животного, от крошечного 28-граммового мышиного лемура до знаменитого кольцехвостого лемура, которого я, вероятно, видел в том зоопарке. Сейчас они живут на площади 6000 км2 – всего 10% территории острова. К счастью, страна пытается защитить лемура. Волонтеры работают над самыми разными проектами: от разговоров со школами об окружающей среде до реального подсчета количества самцов и самок лемуров в лесу. И проект удался. Пока я был там, я слышал рассказы (о/вокруг) об открытии новой популяции бамбуковых лемуров необычного вида на острове. Ранее ученые полагали, что их осталось всего 150.

Благотворительная организация ищет (для/из) 20 добровольцев для проекта в январе следующего года. Вы должны оплатить (on/for) свои рейсы, а также 500 фунтов стерлингов за двухнедельный проект. Они тратят деньги (на/с) школу и чистую воду - Мадагаскар не богатая страна, Проживание и питание бесплатные.

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Shop-assistant: What can I do for you?

You: I would like to buy some Russian souvenir for my friend from Germany.

Shop-assistant: Really? What about this beautiful balalaika?

You: Oh, no! It's too big!

Shop-assistant: Well, what about this icon?

You: Oh, no! It's very expensive!

Shop-assistant: Let me see. Oh, look! Matryoshka.

You: Matryoshka? What is it?

Shop-assistant: Well, it's a special doll that has got a few children inside.

You: Inside? What do mean?

Shop-assistant: Look! One! Two! Three! Four! Five!

You: Yes! Wonderful! Two ... No! Three! How much do they cost?

Shop-assistant: Three dollars.

You: Here you are.

Shop-assistant: Well,  your change...

You: Thank you.

Shop-assistant: You are welcome!

4,5(20 оценок)
Queen Victoria Of Great Britain.
Victoria (name at baptism Alexandrina Victoria) - the Empress of India from 1 may 1876.
Education. Ascension to the throne.
Queen Victoria ruled 64 years out of 82 lived. That she had the honor to be the Queen of great Britain, she learned at the age of 12. Victoria would never have taken possession of the Royal crown, whether the numerous offspring of George III more richly heirs. However, the monarch's daughters and sons were either childless or never married with illegitimate children. Despite the fact that in 1818 just three sons of George III urgently married and tried to procreate, "lucky" only one of them – Duke Edward of Kent, who had a daughter Victoria, the future Queen.
The little Princess was brought up in great rigor: she was never left unattended, she was forbidden to communicate with peers. Over time, the supervision of the mother, the German Princess Victoria Maria Luisa, and her favorite John Conroy (Victoria's elderly father died 8 months after her birth) increasingly burdened the heiress. Become Queen, she alienated the pair from his throne. Except for mother's education, Victoria was engaged in a strict governess Louise Lecen that the girl listened to everything and loved despite her tough personality. For a long time, the former teacher retained her influence on the throne until Victoria's legal husband, albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, removed her from the young Queen.
Prince albert and Queen Victoria.
The first time Prince albert came to England was in 1839. For a 19-year-old Queen, his appearance was like a bolt of lightning. Victoria fell in love with albert. He was not only beautiful appearance, but also loved painting, music, fencing.
On February 10, 1840, Victoria and albert were married. They had 9 children.
To its power, Victoria was regarded as a caring housewife to the big house. Albert helped her with many issues.
In early December 1861, The "sweet angel", as his wife called it, died of a serious illness.
The last years of the Queen's life.
In the 70 years she began to go blind. Due to the aching legs she was hard to move around. But the Empress continued to reign in her family.All her children, except Louise's daughter, had heirs. Not without the participation of Victoria, many of her grandchildren intermarried with representatives of the Royal houses of Europe, including Russia (her beloved granddaughter Alice she married the heir to the Russian crown Nicholas, and she became the last Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna). No wonder Victoria was called the grandmother of European monarchs.In the last years of her life, the Empress continued to deal with state Affairs, although her strength was already running out. Overcoming her weakness, she traveled around the country, speaking to the troops who took part in the Anglo-Boer war. But in 1900, Victoria's health deteriorated, she could not read the paper without help. To her physical suffering increased mental, caused by the news of the death of the son of Alfred and incurable disease daughter Vicki.
Queen Victoria's death.
Victoria died after illness on 22 January 1901. Its death was unexpected for people, for many nicknames Victoria seemed "eternal" Queen.
In the memory of his people, this Empress always remained a monarch, whose reign was one of the brightest pages in the history of England. Queen Victoria is rightfully one of the few rulers who not only loved and appreciated by contemporaries, but also to whom historians have never denied respect.\
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