1. You dont have exams in June
Answer: If I dont have exams in June, I will go to France with my friends.
2. Your friend invited you to football match
Answer: I cant go to football match, because I am going to working in restaurant as a waiter.
3. You dont have to go to school on Saturday
Answer: I will clean my house ,and finish my all works. I will relax , watch TV , play computer games or hang out with my friends.
4. You dont have so much homework every day.
Answer: Despite it , I will study harder, so I will read books, help to my family.
1) Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:
This is a boy. The boy is at school. He is a pupil. This boy is my brother’s
friend. He has a cat, but he has no dog. He likes his cat. He gives the cat
milk every day.
We live in a big house. I like the house very much.
Those are books. The books are new. Those books are interesting.
2) Составьте предложения из данных слов
1. I have no book. 2. They have no good room
3. Has Mary a pen?Yes, she has. 4. She is my best freind.
5. The pencil is red. 6. This book is interesting.
3) Переведите, используя личные, притяжательные и указательные местоимения
She is his sister.
He gave her his pen.
They love us.
He put the pen in his pocket.
Our parents and their friends.
Those and these books are there.
4) Переведите используя притяжательный падеж существительных:
My friend's family.
My sister’s apartment.
My brother’s wife.
Animal's life.
5) Поставьте во множественное число:
Leaves on trees, men’s wives, lemons in pies, dishes on tables, children’s toys,
towns and cities, sugars and fruit/fruits (2 варианта), feet and balls.
6) Переведите используя оборот there is/are и местоимения some, any, no
1. There is someone in the room.
2. Is there anyone in the room?
3. There is no juice in the fridge.
4. Do you know anything about him?
5. I do not know anything about him
напишите тут ваш город
Dear Max,
Thank you for your recent letter. It`s always a pleasure to hear from you.
As for your questions about exams, we usually take them at the end May. Actually, each school chooses the date itself. To be honest, exams are really stressful for me. Thus, i talk to my friends to cope with stress. Frankle speaking, i find Math the most complicated exam. I can hardly count big numbers.
Write back soon.
Best regards,
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