Sollal is a traditional Korean holiday celebrated on both halves of the peninsula. It is celebrated in accordance with the lunar calendar and is the New Year according to the Eastern tradition.There is also a tradition to celebrate the New Year in the east of the country, for example, in Gangneung and Tonghae, where you can see the first rays of the New Year's sun.A variety of games are associated with Sollal: the yunnori family board game, men and male children fly kites and play chegichhagi, a type of softball football. Women and girls play nolttwigs swinging together on a swing in the form of a long board; taking off, each player performs some acrobatic number; and also in conjinolie, juggling five stones. Children spin the Pyeongyi spinning top together
Acid rain is a type of meteorological precipitation, which is a mixture of moisture and the smallest particles of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide in concentrations exceeding the normal natural background. Sources of acid rain are natural processes, such as volcanic activity or decay of plant residues, as well as human activities, which are expressed in the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere from the combustion of fossil and motor fuels. Acid rain occurs when gas emissions react with water, oxygen, and other chemical elements in the atmosphere to form various acidic compounds.
If you asked he, she will help you.
If you see James, please will you tell him about the party.
If you had finished at six, I would have met you at the station.
If you forget your keys, you will use my spare ones.
Harry will stay at home if he feels worse.