7 Придумай начало предложения. Это голова дракончи-
ka AreAmIs.
0. Sonya and Ginger are eating fish.
am wearing red and yellow jeans.
is playing the piano in the living room.
are listening to music on the radio.
.. is walking her dog in the park.
are picking flowers in our garden.
is shining!
7.am jumping on the sofa.
are riding their giraffes.
1)People saw this alien and began to run away in different directions.
2)Kyle reassured all people, and then they went up to the alien and surrounded him.
3)The alien turned out to be kind of he knew the human language and could talk. As a result, people with him became friends and learned a lot of good things.
Как то так
1)Люди увидели этого иноплонитяна и начали убегать в разные стороны.
2)Кайл успокоил всех людей,и потом они подошли и инопланетянину и окружили его.
3)Инопланетянин оказался добрым он знал человеческий язык и мог разговаривать.В итоге люди с ним подружились и узнали много чего хорошего.