You are pointing to a person or a thing; you are telling your friend something about that person or thing. Connect the following sentences with relative pronouns (a) or without (b). a) 1. That’s the school. It has a swimming pool.
2. That’s the word. It sounds strange.
3. That’s the teacher. He’s going to give a test.
4. That’s the shop. It sells English books.
5. That’s the actress. She won the prize.
b) 1. That’s the film. I want to see it.
2. That’s the word. I don’t understand it.
3. That’s the mistake. I made it.
4. That’s the music. I love it.
5. That’s the girl. I met her two days ago.
The Amur tiger is an amazing animal listed in the Red book. They live along the banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories. The Amur tiger is traditionally considered the largest living member of the cat family. In 1940 (nineteen forty), their number declined sharply. By the end of 1941 (nineteen forty-one), there were only 30 tigers. But thanks to human actions, currently 500 (five hundred) individuals live in the wild. Let's appreciate and protect nature!
Амурский тигр - удивительное животное, занесенное в Красную книгу. Они живут по берегам рек Амур и Уссури в Хабаровском и Приморском краях. Амурский тигр традиционно считается самым крупным живым представителем семейства кошачьих. В 1940 году (тысяча девятьсот сороковом) их число резко сократилось. К концу 1941 года (тысяча девятьсот сорок первого) было только 30 тигров. Но благодаря действиям человека, в настоящее время в дикой природе живут по 500 (пятьсот) особей. Давайте ценить и беречь природу!