1995 year, as scheduled, the universal pictures film company produces on the screens of another picture about batman.«batman 3: batman forever» (eng. batman forever) - film from the series «movies about superheroes,» based on the science fiction comic books about batman. this is the third film in the series of films about batman, and the first, where it was directed by joel schumacher, replacing tim burton, the director of the previous two films, «batman» and «batman returns». this is also the first and only film where batman plays val kilmer, who replaced michael keaton from the first two films. the film also for the first time appears robin. in the movie were filmed also tommy lee jones, jim carrey, chris o'donnell, nicole kidman, drew берримор and debi mazar.the film is very different from the previous one «batman returns», the gloomy atmosphere of which was replaced by brighter and more explosive, calculated at a young audience.перевод: 1995 год, как запланировано, юниверсал пикчерс кинокомпания выпускает на экраны еще одна картина о бэтмене.«бэтмен 3: бэтмен навсегда» (. "бэтмен навсегда") - фильм из серии «фильмы о супергероях» по мотивам научно-фантастических комиксов о бэтмене. это третий фильм в серии фильмов о бэтмене, и первый, где он был режиссером джоэл шумахер, заменивший тима бертона, режиссера двух предыдущих фильмов, «бэтмен» и «бэтмен возвращается». это также первый и единственный фильм, где бэтмена играет вэл килмер, заменивший майкла китона из первых двух фильмов. в фильме также впервые появляется робин. в фильме также снимались томми ли джонс, джим керри, крис о'доннелл, николь кидман, дрю берримор и деби мазар.фильм отличается от предыдущего «бэтмен возвращается», мрачная атмосфера которых была заменена более яркой и взрывной, рассчитанной на молодежную аудиторию.
Не очень связный текст на русском, очень много повторяющихся конструкций, поэтому перевод тоже не совсем получился литературным:
What the last has influenced me? I can say positively it's motherhood. An entirely new crucial stage has begun in my life because now I'm becoming an explorer's guide for baby. Now we are the whole and it's for a few amazing months. After six months of pregnancy I realized that relationship and interaction between us lies ahead. I received the news of my pregnancy with joy and with some confusion at the same time. The only thought was playing in my head: "I will have new feelings about my body, my soul, my life. I was thinking of the decision about my pregnancy for several weeks. A long while enough. I think it's just because I had very active hormones and there were some well-known health problems. Subsequently, another thought came on my mind, but that old thought was gone away. The idea was that pregnancy are miracle, sacrament and so many incredible emotions. Sometimes I cought myself thinking that all women around me should be pregnant and realize it's miracle. It's my first pregnancy and it is going to be my first childbirth, so my understanding of the child is vague. First of all it's child behaviour, how to react when he cries, how to care about him. Thus, the news that I will be a mother affected me so much. I adhere to the idea that children is one of the most important stage in our lives, as well as family. Care and parenting take up most of our conscious and mature life. It requires strength, ingenuity, patience and love to the child. Intercourse, own example is integral part of the educational process. I hope there will be energy and mutual assistance in this difficult task.