Поставте слова у правильному порядку, щоб створити речення у теперішньому простому часі!
1) Менді / робить /? / брат / футбол / гра
Чи грає брат Менді у футбол?
Футбол грає брата Менді?
Брат Менді займається футболом?
2) їх / піти / школа / до / чи / сестра /?
Їде їхня сестра до школи?
Їх сестра ходить до школи?
Чи ходить сестра до їхньої школи?
3) пізно /? / ти / завжди / приходиш / робиш / чому
1) Чому ти завжди приходиш із запізненням?
2) Чому ви завжди приходите пізно?
3) Ви завжди запізнюєтесь чому?
я тільки переклала
Democracy is a type of political institution a form of group decision-making. Democracy requires designing a set of arrangements through which each person’s prefaces will have equal weight in determining the ultimate decision. So democracy represents a set of decision making institutions that embody respect for equal worth of all citizens. Democracy is more likely to protect the rights of the relatively powerless in society.Democracy is what I would call a type of system or people who compete for power. Democracy is something we can actually exercise our civil duty directly. I agree with the statement of Abraham Lincoln: “democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” As for me, democracy is indeed a set of ideals and principles about freedom.
Our motherland, my Kazakhstan.When I enunciate your name, my heart starts to beat faster because, it's full of pride and love to you.
Our name"Kazakh" from the ancien Turkic means " a free spirit", which is reflected in our nature.
We live in a multinational and peaceful country, which size is isometric (равновеликий)to the size of Western Europe. Kazakhstan is the ninth-largest country and the largest landlocked country in the world.
We adopted our symbols:flag, emblem and anthem "My Kazakhstan", which are argument of our independence in 1991. Before the Rusian colonization, we had a higly developed culture based on our normadic pastoral economy.
I am very glad and happy that we can take free knowledge from schools, colleges and universities. It is the most important achievement of our country and especially of our leader, our president who involved everyone in working with all our powers together.
1 Does Mandy's brother play football?
2 Does their sister go to school?
3 Why do you always come late?