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The Fox is a predatory mammal of the family Canidae, the most common and largest species of the genus foxes. The body length of 60-90 cm, tail 40-60 cm, weight 6-10 kg.Fox spread very widely throughout Europe, North Africa, most of Asia (up to Northern India, southern China and Indochina), in North America from the Arctic zone to the Northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Fox was acclimatized in Australia and has spread across the continent, with the exception of some Northern areas with humid subequatorial climate.
Previously it was thought that in America, the lives of individual species of foxes, but in recent years it is regarded as a subspecies of red foxes.Coloration and sizes of foxes vary in different localities; in total account for 40-50 subspecies, not including smaller forms. In General, when moving to the North foxes become larger and more bright, to the South — smaller and duller colored. In the Northern areas and mountains are also more common black and brown and other melanistics forms of painting foxes. The most common color of Fox: bright red back, white belly, dark paws. Often the foxes are brown stripes on the spine and the shoulder blades, like a cross. General distinguishing features: dark ears and white tail tip. Externally, the Fox is a beast of medium size with an elegant body, on short, thin legs, elongated snout, pointy ears and a long bushy tail.
The molt begins in February-March and ends in mid-summer. Immediately after this, the Fox starts to grow the winter fur, she's fully dressed by the turn of November and December. The summer fur is much more rare and short, winter — thick and luxuriant. Foxes have large ears-locators, which they pick up sound vibrations. Ears to Lis — "the hunter" booties.
   Перевод :   Лиса-это хищное млекопитающее семейства Псовые, самый распространенный и крупный вид рода лисиц. Длина тела 60-90 см, хвоста 40-60 см, Вес 6-10 кг. Песец распространен очень широко по всей Европе, Северной Африке, большей части Азии (вплоть до Северной Индии, Южного Китая и Индокитая), в Северной Америке от арктической зоны до северного побережья Мексиканского залива. Фокс был акклиматизирован в Австралии и распространилась по всему континенту, за исключением некоторых северных районов с влажным субэкваториальный климат.
Ранее считалось, что в Америке живет отдельный вид лисиц, но в последнее время его рассматривают как подвид рыжей лисицы.Окраска и размеры лисиц различны в разных местностях; всего составляют 40-50 подвидов, не учитывая более мелких форм. В общем, при продвижении на север лисицы становятся крупнее и ярче, к югу — мельче и тусклее окрашенными. В северных районах и в горах также более распространенный черный и коричневый и другие melanistics формы окраски лисиц. Самый распространенный окрас лисы: ярко-рыжая спина, белое брюхо, темные лапы. Зачастую лисы являются коричневыми полосками на позвоночник и лопатки, словно крест. Общие отличительные черты: темные уши и белый кончик хвоста. Внешне Лисица представляет собой зверя среднего размера с изящным телом, на коротких, тонких ножках, вытянутой мордой, острыми ушами и длинным пушистым хвостом.
Линька начинается в феврале-марте и заканчивается в середине лета. Сразу после этого, Лиса начинает расти зимняя шерсть, она полностью одета на рубеже ноября и декабря. Летний мех гораздо более редкий и короткий, зимний — более густыми и пышными. Лисицы имеют большие уши-локаторы, в которых они улавливают звуковые колебания. Уши для Лис — "Ловец" добычи.
4,6(95 оценок)
The harsher measures which about that time began to be adopted towards his co-religionists in France are usually assigned as the motive of this step. He now devoted himself during six years to the production of lenses of enormous focal distance, which, mounted on high poles, and connected with the eye-piece by means of a cord, formed what were called "aerial telescopes."5 6  He flipped a switch to display an aerial of the country club on one wall and Dusty's condo on another.31 32  Forms adapted to terrestrial life and to aerial respiration occur in various divisions of Gastropods, and do not constitute a single homogeneous group. Thus the Helicinidae, which are terrestrial, are now placed among the Aspidobranchia.3 4  Again, the practical engineers who are building aeroplanes, and those who are making practical tests by actual flight in those machines, cannot be called "researchers"; that term should be confined to the members, for example, of the scientific committee appointed by the British Government in 1909 to make investigations regarding aerial construction and navigation.2 3  First as regards the transmitting part, one essential element is the antenna, aerial, or air wire, which may take a variety of forms. It may consist of a single plain or stranded copper wire upheld at the top by an insulator from a mast, chimney or building.2 3  It is evident that as the latter increases in bulk, more and more attention must be paid to the dangers of uprooting by winds and storms. Various mechanisms have been adopted in different cases, some connected with the subterranean and others with the sub-aerial portions of the plant.2 3  The,ideal surface of resolution may be there regarded as a flexible lamina; and we know that, if by forces locally applied every element of the lamina be made to move normally to itself exactly as the air at that place does, the external aerial motion is fully determined.2 3  Now it is evident that the aerial motion in front of the lamina is determined by what happens at the lamina without regard to the cause of the motion there existing.2 3  They are generally perennial herbs with a creeping underground stem and erect, unbranched, aerial stems, bearing slender Juncus effusus, common rush.2 3  In Dawsonia superba, a large New Zealand moss, the hydroids of the central cylinder of the aerial stem are mixed with thick-walled stereids forming a hydrom-stereom strand somewhat like that of the rhizome in other Polytrichaceae.2 3  The hawk is aerial brother of the wave which he sails over and surveys, those his perfect air-inflated wings answering to the elemental unfledged pinions of the sea.12 14  (Not to mention the fact that, if the stuff all hits the fan, widget factories like yours would almost certainly be marked with bull's-eyes on the enemy's aerial bombing maps.)13 17  
Read more at http://sentence.yourdictionary.com/aerial#2wVTwcRqja81YDdy.99
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